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作者(英文):Lianq-Ling Chern
論文名稱:Jane Austen 小說所呈現的性別分析
論文名稱(英文):An Analysis of the Presented Gender in Jane Austen’s Novels
指導教授(英文):Tsai-Wei Wang
口試委員(英文):Te-Sheng Chang
Yih-Sheue Lin
Wei-Yang Dai
Shyh-Jong Ren
關鍵詞:珍.奧斯汀(Jane Austen)小說傲慢與偏見曼斯菲爾德莊園勸導性別概念
關鍵詞(英文):Jane Austen’s novels  Pride and PrejudicePersuasionMansfield Parkgender concepts
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多元文化教育之精神在於促進人類在種族、族群、階級、性別等各形式平等,而其中如呼吸般與每個人切身相關的「性別」更是本研究關注的焦點。在此乃針對十八世紀末、十九世紀初的英國兩性經典作家Jane Austen(1775-1817)在其小說所呈現的性別進行探究分析。雖然時至今日「性別」的定義已經遠為複雜,竊以為無論性別為何,性別平等的精神是一致的。Austen小說所呈現的性別,還是有可資現代人借鏡學習之處,主因在於Austen是一位具有高度「性別覺察力」的作者,她的小說提供在當時兩性極端不平等的時代,對於男女雙方處境、性別角色、性別差異、兩性關係,獨到與深入的見解。
The spirit of multiple cultural education is to promote every form of equality in the aspects of race, ethnicity, class and gender etc. Among them “gender,” which concerns everyone like breathing is especially the focus of the research. This research aims to analyze and investigate the presented gender in the novels of a world-renowned classic English writer, Jane Austen (1775-1817). As an author with high gender awareness, living in an era of extreme gender inequality, she has provided the later generations a deep and unique insight into the general situations of men and women, gender (sex) roles, gender differences, relationships between men and women. Hopefully, we can learn some important lessons from Austen’s gender concepts reflected in her various novels.
This research adopts the concepts and method of text analysis, and focuses on the interpretation and analysis of the gender contents of Austen’s three novels, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, and Persuasion, and the meaning of the gender contents is thus grasped. By collecting, confirming, interpreting and analyzing the gender presented contents, i.e. the gender related phenomena, topics, concepts and discourses from the three novels, we can induce that the gender contents and their meaning are mainly related to a criticism of the customs of patriarchy (such as primogeniture) and of the system of values of patriarchy (such as the concept of women being weak), which is considered being responsible for creating and worsening the situation of gender inequality at that time. Besides, the gender contents and their meaning are also related to providing useful gender concepts and better ways for men and women to get along well in order to improve the situation of gender inequality.
Furthermore, according to the times the three novels are written, the gender contents presented in each novel are thus compared, induced to trace the variations of the gender concepts in three novels, and to grasp the whole gender concepts as reflected in the novels. From my studies, I discovered, even though, Austen writes the three novels in very different time periods, there is an obvious thread connecting the gender concepts of each individual novel and a lot of important gender related phenomenon, topics, concepts and discourses from the individual novels are the same unless discussed in a deeper or wider way. In summary, Austen’s gender concepts are centered on the “reconstruction of marriage meaning based on the core concept of gender equality,” and on encouraging men and women to interact in a way beyond gender ideology.

Key Words: Jane Austen’s novels, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Persuasion, gender concepts
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究緣起與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與問題 4
第三節 研究範圍與限制 5
第四節 名詞解釋 11
第二章 文獻探討 15
第一節 性別概念與性別理論發展 15
第二節 多元文化主義與 AUSTEN 小說性別概念 20
第三節 女性主義理論發展與 AUSTEN 思想相關流派 26
第四節 AUSTEN 小說性別相關研究 42
第三章 研究設計與實施 73
第一節 研究概念與架構 73
第二節 研究方法施行細節 78
第三節 研究信實性 88
第一節 主要情節與性別 91
第二節 重要事件與性別 115
第三節 重要對話與性別 125
第四節 敘事者敘評與性別 135
第五章 曼斯菲爾德莊園(MANSFIELD PARK) 147
第一節 主要情節與性別 147
第二節 重要事件與性別 176
第三節 重要對話與性別 185
第四節 敘事者敘評與性別 197
第六章 勸導(PERSUASION) 203
第一節 主要情節與性別 204
第二節 重要事件與性別 230
第三節 重要對話與性別 235
第四節 敘事者敘評與性別 241
第七章 AUSTEN 小說呈現的性別概念與意義 257
第一節 對「性別差異」或「性別不平等」現象之概念 257
第二節 對女性之認同與對女性價值之肯定 264
第三節 對父權體制之質疑與批判 270
第四節 改善女性受歧視處境之概念 274
第八章 結論與建議 281
第一節 研究結論 281
第二節 後續研究建議 290
參考文獻 295
附錄一 Austen 私人信件來源與蒐集彙整過程 309
附錄二 Austen 回憶錄及傳記介紹 318
附錄三 女性主義流派與其性別理論基礎 332

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