The subject of this research mainly focuses on the study of theories of reportage literature in Taiwan. It covers different and various theories in the developing process of reportage literature in Taiwan. The items discussed in this research includes theories and related literary critique as well as the important critics who put forward theoretical criticism, era environment, major issues, important events, etc. Therefore, this study will present two frameworks. The first one is the genre history system of theoretical criticism of reportage literature in Taiwan, including the appearance of the development process. The second one is the process of forming this system, including stages, traits, influences, and how individual critics construct and develop their own critical system.
This research attempts to frame the origin theory, genre theory, author theory, work theory, creation method and methodology, and influence theory which are applicable to general literary criticism and genre criticism. The origin theory part, covers origin theory and evolution/development of theory. The part of literary genre theory covers genre theory and the pros and cons of different genres. Author theory, including author quality theory, cultivation theory, author's practice theory, individual author theory, author’s group theory and so on. Theory of works includes, according to style, according to author, according to literary history stage, according to literary history genre, according to literary history theme, according to literary history trend of thought, etc. Creation methods and methodology, including narrative conventions on how reportage can be and cannot be written. The theory of influence includes the theory of influence on authors, the theory of influence on readers, the theory of influence on society, and the theory of influence on genres.
This research attempts to observe how the critics along the way have gradually enriched this theoretical system, how to promote the development of theoretical criticism, and also clarify the special relationship between theory and Taiwanese reportage creation. In the past, researchers often used the lack of theory in reportage literature to explain the controversy and even setbacks encountered in the development of this genre. This research found that the above items are all important issues that have been discussed in the development of Taiwanese reportage theory. In fact, there are hundreds of critics who have published theories on reportage literature, and most of them are outstanding talents at that time. Does Taiwanese reportage really lack theory? Is it possible to build a system out of so many criticisms? Are there deficiencies or contradictions in the construction of the system? Under the systematic observation, how to re-examine the value of Taiwan reportage literary theory criticism? These are the issues discussed in this study.
According to the representative critics and genres, important events, theoretical characteristics, theoretical influences, and how individual critics construct and develop their own critical systems, the framework of this research is stated as follows:
The germ of Taiwan's reporting literary theory in the 1930s - Yang Kui.(楊逵) Interpretation and tug of war in the 1970s - Gao Xinjiang, "Exploration of Reality" and three official literary and art symposiums.(高信疆、《現實的探索》與三場官方文藝座談會) Systematization and Decline in the 1980s - Li Ruiteng, Lin Yaode and Wenxun Symposium, Zheng Mingli.(李瑞騰、林燿德與文訊座談會、鄭明娳) The turning point and deepening of the 1990s - Chen Yingzhen, Peng Jiafa, Xu Wenwei, and the phenomenon of reportage literature awards of two major newspapers.(陳映真、彭家發、須文蔚、兩大報報導文學獎現象) Unbinding and exploration since 2000 - Yang Sufen, Lin Qiyi and Zhang Tangqi.(楊素芬、林淇瀁與張堂錡)
Research findings include: (1) Yang Kui's influence should be discussed since 2001; (2) re-evaluate Gao Xinjiang's ideological heritage and orientation; (3) re-examine the theoretical contribution and connotation of "Exploration of Reality"; (4) re-examining the historical significance of the official symposium; (5) Zheng Mingli established the origin theory of American journalism; (6) The " adoption" of New Journalism in Taiwan; (7) the alignment and contravention of theoretical criticism and creation; (8) imagine different paths to "theory".