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作者(英文):Hsin-Chang Lin
論文名稱(英文):A Study of Network Security and Network Attacks Real Time Detection
指導教授(英文):Guan-Ling Lee
關鍵詞(英文):Denial of ServiceDDoSnetwork attackssecurityIDSHTML5mobile app developmentcross mobile platforms
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在研究中,我們分析很多網路攻擊與網路的入侵手法,發現初始階段使用各種網路掃瞄是多數手法的共通特徵。而如何即時、快速、有效偵測網路掃瞄就成為我們研究的重點方向。經詳細研究TCP/IP協定及相關研究後我們找出可利用TCP的3方交握確認連線的訊息來過濾出惡意的連線資訊。在本文中提出計數以3方交握連線錯誤數量來偵測可能的攻擊掃瞄,這種計數方式是以HASH函數為基礎的Counting Bloom Filter實做系統應用,所以其時間及空間複雜度均能控制在O(1)的層級,做到快速偵測且能有效控制系統運作所需的資源。在相關研究中,許多的文獻使用(源IP,目的IP)成對的方式進行HASH,做為KEY來計數,但這樣造成其項目集合會達到 264 ,本文提出以(源IP)及(目的IP)分別各自HASH後做為計數的KEY,這樣其IP集合的項目數只有232 ,明顯地改善碰撞機率及降低計數陣列的空間需求。本文也提出以門檻值做為攻擊偵測的判斷,並在演算法中將達到門檻的KEY值的計數記錄清除,以達到整個系統長期有效的偵測運行。最後在文中也演示這個系統的實際運作成果及效能狀況。
多數以計數方式研究攻擊的論文,只用到累加式的計數而少有參考時間軸檢驗計數的有效性。然而要實施有效的網路攻擊,通常需在短時間產生大量攻擊,以此癱瘓網路服務。所以相隔太久的計數其實不具有效性。因此本文再導入data mining 在實時挖掘中常用的時間衰減的概念,對過時的計數予以歸零重算,以此來增加計數的有效性與正確性。
另一方面,網路的安全性除了外部的惡意攻擊外,新架構,新應用的快速發展也衍生新的安全威脅,尤其是在應用系統層的網路安全,在現今行動裝置普及且行動應用程式 (Mobile applications,簡稱 APP)大量被使用後,行動應用系統的網路安全也成為新的、重要的研究議題。行動應用系統的網路安全不僅需要網路安全設備來偵測攻擊,攔截惡意份子,更需採用廣泛可靠的軟體安全架構,以避免網路犯罪或經濟損失是來自系統本身所暴露的各種安全缺陷。本文也就行動裝置的安全議題,研究分析後提出一種基於WEB service架構的跨平台發展模式,可以就原有的WEB service的安全認知及管理延伸到跨平台的APP發展模式。在本文中也演示這種跨平台的APP發展模式實作系統。
Network security now plays an important role in modern society. With the network being widely used, the number of services based on network protocol has significantly increased.
But malicious attack has followed, and even prospered, which makes it more difficult to detect. Most intrusion detection today aims at the typical sign of attacking activity. Thus it is impossible to correctly recognize every types of intrusion, since the attacks keep changing all the time .
This thesis presents a real-time packet-filtering module of DDoS, which can accurately portray the capabilities of attackers.
The benefits of it are efficiency and flexibility.The efficiency means a filter can quickly capture network packets, while the flexibility refers to the filter’s ability to be easily customized for different packet patterns.
The key idea is a hash-based synopsis data structure for sampling network data streams. This structure can efficiently track down the attacks and offer speedily synopses under the guarantee of costing a relatively small space. The algorithm can count the distinct destination or source IP by distinguishing different connection types. In other researches, source IP and destination IP CBF arrays are count in pair to hash in SYN attacks packet, which then contributes 264 items. In this article, SourceIP, DestinationIP are hashed respectively as the KEY of counter, so that the items of IP would be 232 instead. In this way, we can decrease the collision and memory consumption at the same time.
Besides, this article points out the important role of the threshold value in attack-detection. When the algorithm finds an alarm from an IP reaching the KEY threshold, this IP counter data and record would be delimited to start over. This is why the system can work effectively in continuous.
Most of the intrusion detect nowadays is disable to analysis a stream immediately and thoroughly. In this paper, we present a sliding window to maintain the recently arrived data and eliminate the old data outside the sliding window. Only malicious connecting data reserved in the sliding window would be counted, and once those data surpass the threshold, an alarm is sent. After the alarm, the system reset the data and start a new counting. As the contents of the sliding windows evolve as time goes by, users can receive updated answers.
As to the mobile device safety issue, a novel algorithm is used in this paper. Cross platform mobile apps (CPMA) combines the features of Web applications and “native” mobile apps. On the one hand, like Web applications, CPMA is implemented in portable, platform-independent languages such as HTML and JavaScript; on the other hand, like native apps, CPMA has direct access to local device resources—file system, location, camera, contacts, etc. Owing to the above advantages, CPMA has gaining more and more popularity.
To sum up, how to develop a secured cross platform mobile apps to prevent users’ personal information from being invaded becomes the most interesting and critical issue. In this thesis, we present a security CPMA to provide IT network services developers with related idea and model case study to refer to.
Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION………...……………………..……………1
1.1 Network Security and Potential Threats ………………………….1
1.2 Attacks Detection……………………………………...………….4
1.3 Rapid Development Security APP ……………………………….5
1.4 Contributions ……………………………………………………..7
1.5 Thesis Organization …………………………………..………….7
2.1 Review TCP/IP Protocol Suite ………………………………...….9
2.2 The Nature Defect of TCP/IP………………………………….…15
2.3 Network Vulnerability and Attacks……………………………...17
3.1 Current Techniques in Network Security ……………………….30
3.2 Prevent DoS/DDos Attacks …………………………………….35
3.3 Packet Filtering ……………………………………………….....36
3.4 Detection System with Packet Filtering ………………………..40
3.5 Detect Network Attacks with Packet Filtering…………………..41
3.6 How to Detect DDoS Network Attacks with Packet Filtering…..43
Chapter 4. BLOOM FILTER ………………………………………..…47
4.1 Hash …………………………………………………………….47
4.2 Basic Bloom Filter ………………………………………….….47
4.3 Counting Bloom Filter …………………………………..…..…49
4.4 Time Decay to Adapt Counting ………………………………..52
5.1 Architecture for CBF Packet Inspection ……………………..….53
5.2 Counting Algorithm ………………………………………….…54
5.3 Time Decay to Adapt Counting …………………..………….…57
Chapter 6. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS ………………………………59
6.1 Running the GCBF Packet Inspection …………………………..59
6.2 Analysing Data from GCBF Detection System ………………...60
6.3 Analysing Data from SWCBF System …………………………61
7.1 The Mobile App ……………………………………………...…66
7.2 Mobile Platforms ………………………………………………67
7.3 Categories of Mobile Application ……………………………..68
7.4 Security of Mobile APP ……………………………………….70
7.5 Cross-Platform APP Implenmentation ………………………..71
7.6 Implementation and Discussion ……………………………….72
8.1 Conclusion to CBF …………………………………………..…77
8.2 Conclusion to CPMA ………………………………………..…78
8.3 Future Works ………………………………………………...…79

References ………………………………………………………..……80
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