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作者(英文):Shu-Chen Kuo
論文名稱(英文):Exploring Seejiq-Truku’s Indigenous Knowledge and their Worldview through Traditional Ballad
指導教授(英文):Huei Lee
口試委員(英文):Chiung-Fen Yen
Apay Ai-yu Tang
Chia-Ling Chiang
Chun-Ju Huang
關鍵詞(英文):Seejiq-Truku,indigenous knowledgeworldviewtraditional ballad
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目前在學校的科學教學多數以西方科學學習為主,其課程架構皆採系統化的、符號化的運作,這與原住民學生的生活經驗有截然不同的觀點,甚至成為他們在科學學習上的阻礙。在過去原住民族生活智慧的傳遞是口耳相傳的,尤其是經由歌謠更可說是一種文化、生活的表徵。因此本研究藉由內容分析法與田野訪談來探討台灣的太魯閣族人在地知識及其世界觀,過程中將現有採集的歌謠,由原文字面翻譯、解釋、進而轉化成對於文化理解以及在地知識的分類,並經部落耆老訪談確認。而研究結果發現太魯閣族人信仰祖靈(utux rudan)並將經由祖先所流傳下來的訓誡與規範(gaya)視為文化以及各項活動中重要依據,而其在地知識包括:
對於信仰祖靈(utux rudan)的太魯閣族人而言,這是所有太魯閣族人所必須共同謹記與遵守的核心價值(gaya),如此才能稱為真正的「人」(seejiq),而來自於祖靈的祝福則是主要的精神力量來源。
Today most of the science teaching is based on the Western Modern Science (WMS). And the curriculum adopts lots systemic and symbolic framework which is very different from the indigenous students’ living experience and even as obstacles in science learning. For indigenous people, their knowledge of living has been passed down orally in the past, especially through songs that is a presentation of life or culture. This study aims at exploring the Seejiq Truku’s worldview of nature from their traditional wisdom through analyzing their ballads which is the best way of preserving knowledge without words, and looking forward becoming a reference for science learning in indigenous regions. Therefore content analysis and interviews are applied to explore the Indigenous Knowledge (IK) and the worldview of Seejiq Truku in Taiwan. 200 traditional ballads are literally translated, interpreted and transformed to the cultural understanding and indigenous knowledge classification. Besides, five elderly people and cultural workers are interviewed on their knowing of songs and culture. The present finding of this study is that Seejiq Truku believe in forefathers’ spirit (rudan utux) and take their admonition and norms (gaya) as an important basis for all culture and daily activities. Also the worldview of the Seejiq Truku has following characteristics:
1. Community relationship: they concern the interaction of communities, love to get together, eat, sing, dance and celebrate with joy.
2. Social structure: they respect family and marital relationship and there is a clear division and limit of the role of gender especially in routine work.
3. Living activities: Diligence and hard-working are the characteristic of Truku; they also have specific rules for eating and drinking.
4. Belief: they take life serious and practice facial tattooing which symbolized entry into adulthood and being good at hunting or weaving.
5. Rituals: they value the ceremonies and taboos of all activities to seek blessing from forefathers’ sprit and avoid disaster.
6. Environment: they live in harmony with nature; take whatever they need from nature and with nature.
About the indigenous scientific wisdom are related in following characteristics: agriculture, hunt, ecology plants & Animals and weather.
At last, the Truku worldview is divided into several aspects views, including: universe, land, time, authority and ethnicity.
Being Seejiq Truku who believe in forefathers’ spirit (utux rudan), those points of worldview are their core values as well as gaya, which they have to remember and abide strictly so that they may be called real “human being” (seejiq) and receive the blessing from utux rudan as the main source of spiritual strength. Finally, the Indigenous Knowledge and Worldview how to reflect the relationship between daily life and nature are inseparable was discussed.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
目次 v
圖 次 vii
表 次 ix
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與重要性 2
第三節 研究範圍與限制 3
第四節 名詞定義 4
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 認識論與科學知識的本質 7
第二節 世界觀與科學知識 12
第三節 在地知識與傳統歌謠 19
第三章 研究方法與設計 23
第一節 研究設計與架構 23
第二節 研究資料來源 25
第三節 研究輔助工具 28
第四節 研究分析的步驟 32
第五節 信度、效度與研究倫理 40
第四章 研究結果與討論 45
第一節 太魯閣族群的在地知識 45
第二節 太魯閣族群的科學知識 66
第三節 太魯閣族群的世界觀 77
第五章 研究結論與建議 91
第一節 結論 91
第二節 省思 101
第三節 建議 103
參考文獻 105
附錄_歌謠文本分析整理 115
A. 群聚關係 115
B. 社會結構 141
C. 日常生活 222
D. 精神信念 247
E. 祭典儀式 263
F. 生態環境 298

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