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作者(英文):Hsin-Hung Chiang
論文名稱(英文):A design of home motion assistance system
指導教授(英文):Han-Chieh Chao
Wei-Ming Chen
口試委員(英文):Yao-Chung Chang
Tin-Yu Wu
Chin-Feng Lai
Chi-Yuan Chen
Fan-Hsun Tseng
Hsin-Hung Cho
Wei-Che Chien
關鍵詞:擴增實境動作捕捉姿態辨識臉部偵測混合式 P2P
關鍵詞(英文):Augmented realityMotion capturePose estimationFace detectionHybrid P2P
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有鑒於近年人口高齡化以及低出生率的現象越趨明顯,獨居問題 也慢慢浮上檯面,如何能夠讓上了年紀的長者或是獨居的人們也能夠 保持身體的健康,類似的課題一再地被提出討論。再加上現代人由於生 活過於緊張忙碌,常常因為長時間維持不正當的姿勢導致身體非常容 易出現狀況,其實被這些問題困擾的人們只要適當的運動就能夠排除 大部分的不適感。並且因為這幾年 COVID-19 疫情的發展,許多原本 會去醫療院所進行復健的患者只能自行在家進行類似的復健運動,但 是他們還是需要正確的引導才能獲得有效的成果。對於上述的對象該 如何提供正確的引導協助,這也是當前許多研究者所關注的議題。

本論文主要針對需要在居家進行運動的對象設計一套輔助系統, 讓這些對象在家裡也能維持基本動作的練習。系統中透過擴增實境技 術將虛擬教練結合正確的指引路徑顯示在螢幕上,使用者可先透過觀 看教練的動作後再跟隨路徑完成正確的動作。為了使本研究中提出的 系統可以提供更穩定的服務品質,在網路環境上將透過雙路由防火牆 備援機制維持伺服器端的正常穩定網路連線,並且透過使用者之間以 混合式 P2P 檔案分享的方式取得較大的影像檔,藉此降低伺服器的網 路連線需求;在影像處理部分則除了提供動作引導的影像路徑外,亦會 藉由動作捕捉進行姿態辨識判斷使用者的操作是否正確。希望能夠透 過本研究提出的架構,讓使用者在家以能進行一些基本的運動練習。
In view of the aging population and declining birthrate in recent years, the problem of living alone has gradually surfaced. How to keep the elderly or people living alone in good health is a popular topic. Because modern people's life is too busy, it is often caused by maintaining improper posture for a long time that the body is very prone to problems, such as back pain, shoulder, and neck pain, etc. In fact, people suffering from these problems can get rid of most of the discomfort with just proper exercise. The development of the COVID-19 epidemic in recent years has also brought great changes. Many patients who would otherwise go to a medical facility for rehabilitation can only perform similar rehabilitation exercises at home, but they still need the right guidance to achieve effective results. How to provide correct guidance and assistance for the above-mentioned objects is also a topic that many researchers are currently concerned about.

This thesis mainly designed an assistance system for users who need to exercise at home, and these users can maintain the training of basic movements at home to improve their physical condition. The system will give correct motion guidance through the virtual coach image in augmented reality. To enable the system proposed in this study to provide a more stable quality of service, the dual-route firewall backup mechanism will be used to maintain the normal and stable network connection of the server in the network environment, and the hybrid P2P file sharing will be used between users. In the image processing part, in addition to providing a motion-guided image path, it also judges the user's operation by his pose estimation is it right or not. It is hoped that the framework proposed in this study will allow users to perform some basic exercise exercises at home.
Abstract i
摘要 iii
致謝 v
Contents vii
Figures ix
Tables xi
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Goals 2
1.3 Contribution 3
1.4 Thesis outline 4
2. Background knowledge 5
2.1 Depth sensor camera 5
2.2 Douglas-Peucker algorithm 6
2.3 Integral image 7
2.4 Color space 8
3. Related works 11
3.1 Body recognition & tracking 11
3.2 Face detection 13
4. Research Methods 17
4.1 Design of image processing 18
4.1.1 Body recognition & tracking 20
4.1.2 Face tracking 30
4.2 Design of network 43
4.2.1 Dual-Route backup firewall service 44
4.2.2 HybridP2P 52
5. Experiment result 59
5.1 Dual-Route backup firewall 59
5.2 Body recognition & tracking 62
5.3 Face tracking 66
6. Simulation 71
6.1 Simulation 1 71
6.2 Simulation 2 73
7. Conclusion and future works 79
Reference 83
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