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作者(英文):Chin-Li Tseng
論文名稱(英文):Absorptive Capacity: Theory Validation And Expansion
指導教授(英文):Yuh-Yuan Tsai
Chien-Nan Chen
口試委員(英文):Sun-Po Chen
Jun-You Lin
Wein-Hong Chen
關鍵詞(英文):absorptive capacitycognitive developmentdynamic capabilityknowledge recombination innovation
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為對吸收能力有更好的瞭解,本研究採用質化多個案實地研究,進行理論的驗證與拓展。經由理論抽樣選取五家個案企業的高階經理人,以半結構問卷訪談並歸納59 個案例故事與產出這些案例故事的脈絡,進行個案內、個案間分析與模型比較。結果在受訪者與訪談者互動下,發現吸收能力與完成價值新知發展決策相關,本研究依此定義吸收能力是「一種廠商管理價值新知發展決策的動態能力」。

就策略過程觀點看,本研究從構念萃取著手,發現構面、形成構念,建構吸收能力運轉架構,結果發現察覺性、回應性、配適性3 種吸收能力。透過向知識重組創新領域借光,解釋新發現的吸收能力複合運轉模式的本質,結果不但拓展並優化既有理論模型,同時確立吸收能力與認知發展理論的關係;解釋吸收能力為什麼是動態能力的原因。


此外,本研究描繪並討論吸收能力由個人層級至廠商層級的發展脈絡與機制;同時,根據本研究理論模型圖解命題發展架構,提出吸收能力9 類命題。最後,總結本研究理論相關議題,為後續研究與管理意涵提出7項建議。
Over the past three decades, Interdisciplinary researchers have widely cited and used absorptive capacity (AC) to analyze and explain various, significant, multidisciplinary,and complex organizational phenomena. AC has received more and more attention in the fields of strategic management, technology management, and organizational economy, and so forth. Although growing use of the AC theory, the study of AC remains difficult due to diversity and ambiguity of its definitions, constructs, and measurements. Therefore, even though the research of AC is still flourish and drives a wave of research by interdisciplinary scholars, yet the theoretical progress is limited,and scholars have never stopped conceptualizing the theory.

To better understand AC, this study has conducted qualitative field research on multiple cases to verify and expand the theory. The study was carried out using theoretical sampling, followed by semi-structured questionnaire to interview the executives in five selected cases. Based on the research work we obtained 59 case
stories for the analysis and carry out model comparison study. From the interaction between interviewees and interviewers, it turns out that AC is related to the completion of new valuable knowledge and its development decisions. This fact highlights a clearer definition of AC theory, "the dynamic capability of the firm to manage new valuable knowledge development decision-making."

From the perspective of strategic process, present study starts with construct extraction, dimensions discovery, construct formation, followed by construct an operational framework of AC. As a result, we discovered and introduced three types of AC, namely, Awareness, Responsiveness, and Adaptation. Borrowed from know-how of knowledge recombination and innovation, explaining the nature of the compound operation mode of AC we newly discovered, not only expands and optimizes the existing theoretical models, but also recognizes the relationship between AC and cognitive development theory; and explains why AC is dynamic capability in nature.

Henceforth from the strategic content perspective, this study proposes four types of AC development and management strategies, namely platform, professional, foundry,and standard, which will help firms to build and manage their own AC. Combined with 3 types of AC metrics we proposed, we are able to determine the value creation, value recombination and value development of the firm, which will be useful to build the AC of the firm and enhances its competitive advantage.

In addition, the background and mechanism of AC development from the individual level to the firm level, as well as the proposed development framework based on our theoretical model, 9 types of propositions of AC were illustrated and proposed. Finally,7 suggestions for future research and management significance are put forward.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與研究動機 1
第二節 研究問題與研究目的 7
第三節 研究範圍與研究對象 9
第四節 研究步驟與預期貢獻 10

第二章 文獻探討 13
第一節 理論根源與發展脈絡 13
第二節 概念演變與衡量發展 22
第三節 3RS 吸收能力優化模型 42

第三章 研究方法 61
第一節 研究設計 61
第二節 個案選擇 62
第三節 資料蒐集與分析 66
第四節 研究倫理 70

第四章 研究發現 71
第一節 個案基本分析 71
第二節 個案內分析 74
第三節 個案間分析 101
第四節 小結 132

第五章 討論與反思 137
第一節 方法 137
第二節 類型 141
第三節 架構 152
第四節 模型 158
第五節 反思 186

第六章 結論與建議 190
第一節 結論 190
第二節 建議 206

參考文獻 210
附錄: 質性研究-吸收能力問卷 232

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