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作者(英文):Min-Jon Kuo
論文名稱:關係行銷投資與顧客購買意圖之探討 — 華人世界人情與感情的中介效果
論文名稱(英文):A Study of Relationship Marketing Investments and Customer Purchase Intentions: Mediation Effects of Renqing and Ganqing in Chinese Societies
指導教授(英文):Dauw-Song Zhu
口試委員(英文):Kaung-Hwa Chen
Yun Ken
Cedric Hsi-Jui Wu
Shu-Ling Chen
關鍵詞(英文):renqingganqinggratitudetrustcommitmentRM investmentspurchase intentionsrelationship marketingguanxi marketing
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Researchers of relationship marketing have claimed that customers’ gratitude, containing feelings of gratitude and gratitude-based reciprocal behaviors, is another mediator construct besides trust and commitment. All of them mediate the relationship between sellers’ relationship marketing (RM) investments and customer purchase intentions or real consumptions. The current study argues that these three relational mediators are not enough to explain business relationships in societies with the Chinese context. Customers’ renqing, containing feelings of having a renqing and renqing-based reciprocal behaviors, and ganqing were proposed to be additional two relational mediators. Renqing and ganqing are two important elements of guanxi marketing and most people with the Chinese background believe that good guanxi is a critical factor affecting the success of RM investments. Four categorical variables, i.e., free will, motives, risk, and need, were proposed to be positively related to feelings of gratitude and having a renqing. An experiment study with eight scenarios manipulated by these four categorical variables was conducted. 348 subjects participated and provided effective data. Hypotheses from the main model were analyzed by structural equation modeling (SEM) and four categorical variables by one-way ANOVA. Results showed that all hypotheses from the main model were supported except the relationship between ganqing and customer purchase intentions. Only the positive relationship between risk and feelings of having a renqing was supported among hypotheses about the four categorical variables. Discussions, theoretical and managerial implications, and directions for future research were provided in the end.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Motivation 1
1.2 Research Background 3
1.2.1 Guanxi overviews 3
1.2.2 Relationship marketing and guanxi marketing 4
1.2.3 Merging relationship marketing and guanxi marketing 7
1.3 Research Gaps and Objectives 10
1.3.1 Research gaps 10
1.3.2 Research objectives 11

Chapter 2 Literature Review 13
2.1 Social Exchange Theory (SET) and Renqing & Guanxi 13
2.1.1 Resources of exchange 13
2.1.2 Rules of exchange 16
2.1.3 Typology of exchanges and relationships 23
2.1.4 Causal contradiction of exchanges and relationships 26
2.1.5 Models of exchanges and relationships 28
2.2 Relationship Marketing 33
2.2.1 Early development 33
2.2.2 Meta-analysis 37
2.2.3 Gratitude as a relational mediator 40
2.3 Chinese Guanxi 42
2.3.1 Importance of guanxi in Chinese societies 42
2.3.2 Measurement of guanxi 43
2.3.3 Renqing 46
2.3.4 Ganqing 49
2.3.5 Trust/xinren 50
2.4 Social Network Theory and Renqing & Ganqing 54
2.4.1 Strong ties 54
2.4.2 Informal networks 57
2.4.3 Propositions 58
2.5 Hypothesis Development 63
2.5.1 Relationships between relationship marketing (RM) investments and other main constructs 63
2.5.2 Relationships between gratitude and other constructs 72
2.5.3 Interrelationships among constructs of traditional relationship marketing 73
2.5.4 Interrelationships among guanxi constructs 75
2.5.5 The relationship between ganqing and customer commitment 77
2.5.6 Mediation effects of feelings of having a renqing and ganqing 78
2.5.7 Relationships of four categorical variables with feelings of gratitude and feelings of having a renqing 80

Chapter 3 Methodology 85
3.1 Research Framework 85
3.2 Measurement 90
3.3 Research Design 98
3.4 Questionnaire Design 103
3.4.1 General design 103
3.4.2 Controlling common method variance by questionnaire design 104
3.5 Sample and Procedure 106
3.5.1 Pretest 106
3.5.2 Sample and procedure 106

Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Results 109
4.1 Descriptive Statistics 109
4.1.1 Structure of the sample 109
4.1.2 Score of variables 111
4.1.3 Pearson correlation coefficient 112
4.2 Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) 113
4.2.1 Model fit indices 113
4.2.2 Convergent validity 114
4.2.3 Discriminant validity 117
4.3 Structural Model Analysis 120
4.3.1 Model fit indices 120
4.3.2 Standardized loading estimates 122
4.3.3 Testing hypotheses 125
4.4 Common Method Variance 130
4.5 Manipulation checks 134
4.6 One-way ANOVA 136
4.7 Discussion 141
4.7.1 The relationship between ganqing and customer purchase intentions (H13) 142
4.7.2 The control variable: customer guilt 143
4.7.3 Mediation effects of feelings of having a renqing and ganqing 145
4.7.4 Evaluation of statistical mediation and total effects on customer purchase intentions 146
4.7.5 CMV problems and the questionnaire design 148
4.7.6 Manipulation checks 149
4.7.7 ANOVA for feelings of gratitude, feelings of having a renqing, and others 150

Chapter 5 Conclusion 153
5.1 Theoretical Implications 153
5.2 Managerial Implications 156
5.3 Limitations and Directions for Future Research 159
5.4 Conclusions 161

References 163
Appendix A 171
Appendix B 177
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