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作者(英文):Chih-Ying Lu
論文名稱(英文):Special education was presented in life event – example as the inquiry of a local experience in junior high school.
指導教授(英文):Ying-Tang Wang
口試委員(英文):Chao-Lin Feng
Ya-Li Zheng
Wei-Lun Li
Hui-Xuan Lin
關鍵詞(英文):special educationnarrative inquiryinstitutional ethnographydisability studystigmamulticultural education
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This was a thesis which about special education in school, and the title was “ Special education was presented in life event – example as the inquiry of a local experience in junior high school. ” The thesis explored a local junior high school experience and the research field had multi-ethnic groups. Research happened in campus, and then produced important issues when life event extended to family, community and society.
There were three research methods in the thesis. First was narrative inquiry that to narrate life event what had resulted related research issues from telling. Second was institutional ethnography that to discovery the relationships between school and special education. Third was interview that to interview the people who lived or taught in research field, and interview data were research materials. Besides the theory of special education, there were some discussions with disability study and stigma theory in the thesis.
The study had four findings; the first part which was school and special education were affected by institution. The teachers didn’t to distinguish and clarify the condition that under the whole educational system. Usually they judged many situations by their feeling and rules. The second part was explored the connection between the process of identification in special education and stigma. The study found, there was a complete and successive process of identification which on the basis of classification. And the mechanism of classification didn’t evade the reality of stigma. Third, the study showed the narrative within the students, family, community and society. And the study found, this was a multi-ethic groups where full of experiences that had interwoven multicultural education and local features. Through the display of multi-pictures, the understanding with student and family were deeper and tolerant. Moreover, the interpretations with some terms didn’t avoid the fixed meaning and had more space and imagination. Finally, connecting the specialty and local experiences that to respond the characteristics of tolerance in multicultural education. According to above principles that had considered what kind of educational and social resources would be suitable for local experiences.
第一章 緒論 ................................ 1
第一節 研究背景 ............................ 1
第二節 研究緣起 ........................... 5
第三節 研究初探與研究目的................... 7
第二章 文獻探討............................. 11
第一節 台灣的特殊教育........................ 11
第二節 多元文化教育........................... 20
第三節 障礙研究 ........................... 22
第四節 汙名 .............................. 29
第三章 研究設計 ............................ 33
第一節 問題意識與研究發問...................... 36
第二節 研究場域 ..................... 38
第三節 研究視角 ....................... 39
第四節 研究方法 .............. 40
第五節 研究流程 ....................... 49
第四章 生活事件中的特殊教育................... 51
第一節 特教教師的日常 .................. 51
第二節 特殊學生的升學與轉學 ................... 59
第三節 不回家的學生 ...................... 68
第四節 部落裡的孩子 ................. 77
第五節 星星的孩子 .......................... 87
第六節 家庭、特殊學生與其他 ................... 98
第五章 分析與討論 ........................... 111
第一節 學校特殊教育的運作與建制民族誌的關係..... 111
第二節 特殊學生的鑑定機制與汙名 ............... 138
第三節 特殊學生、學校、家庭與社區.............. 164
第六章 結論與省思 ........................ 199
第一節 結論 ......................... 199
第二節 研究的限制 ......................... 206
第三節 研究的省思 ....................... 207
參考文獻 .......................... 209
附錄一 ........................... 217
附錄二 ................... 225
附錄三 ............................. 227
護 。台灣社會研究季刊,77:59-96。
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