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作者(英文):Hung-Che Wang
論文名稱(英文):The Relationship among Perception of Parenting Styles, Felt Pressure from Parent's Gender Role Expectations, and Creativity Tendency Between Senior Elementary Boy and Girl Students
指導教授(英文):Te-Sheng Chang
口試委員(英文):Ching-Yuan Chang
Pei-Yun Liu
Po-Sheng Huang
Chunn-Ying Lin
關鍵詞(英文):parenting stylesfelt pressure from parent's gender role expectationsgender differencessenior elementary studentscreativity tendency
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The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship among perception of parenting styles, felt pressure from parent’s gender role expectations, and creativity tendency between senior elementary boy and girl students. The study sample comprised 944 senior elementary students (478 boys and 466 girls). There were three instruments used in the study: The Senior Elementary Student’s Perception of Parenting Style Scale, The Senior Elementary Student’s Felt Pressure from Parent’s Gender Role Expectations Scale, The Senior Elementary Student’s Creativity Tendency Scale. The results of this study were as follow:
1.Regarding gender differences in parenting styles: (1) The students’ perception of the mothers’ authoritative parenting style is significantly higher than that of fathers’. The students’ both perceptions of the father’s neglect and permissive parenting style are significantly higher than those of mothers’. (2) Boys’ both perceptions of the parents’ authoritative parenting style and the fathers’ authoritarian parenting style are significantly higher than those of girl students.
2.Regarding gender differences in felt pressure from parents’ gender role expectations: (1) Boys’ both perceptions of the feminine pressure from fathers and mothers are significantly higher than those of girl students’. Girls’ both perceptions of the masculine pressure from fathers and mothers are higher than those of boy students. (2) The boy students’ perception of the feminine pressure from fathers is higher than that of mothers. Girls’ both perceptions of the feminine pressure and masculine pressure from mother are higher than those of fathers.
3.Regarding gender differences in creativity tendency: (1) Boys’ scores of challenge, curiosity, and adventure are significantly higher than those of girl students. (2) The girl students’ imagination score is significantly higher than that of boy students.
4.In terms of the structure model of perception of parenting styles, felt pressure from parents’ gender role expectations, and creativity tendency:
(1)The parents’ authoritative parenting style would positively affect boy and girl students’ creativity tendency. The father’s permissive parenting style would negatively affect boy students’curiosity. The father’s authoritarian parenting style would positively affect girl students’ imagination and curiosity. The mother’s neglect parenting style would positively affect girl students’ challenges.
(2)The parent’s authoritarian parenting style would positively affect boy and girl students’ felt the feminie pressure and masculine pressure from parents. The father’s authoritarian parenting style would positively affect girl students’ felt the feminie pressure from fathers. The mother’s authoritarian parenting style would positively affect boy students’ felt the feminine pressure from their mothers. The father’s authoritative and neglect parenting styles would positively affect girl students’ felt the masculine pressure from their fathers. The mother’s indulgence parenting style would negatively affect boy students’ felt the masculine pressure from their mothers.
(3)The girl students’ felt the feminine pressure from their fathers would negatively affect their challenge and curiosity. The girl students’ felt pressure of feminine from their mothers would negatively affect their curiosity.
(4)The perception parenting styles and creativity tendency wouldn’t be mediated by felt pressure of parents’ gender role expectations of boys and girls.
The implications of this study for senior elementary students’ parenting styles, creativity education, and gender education are discussed.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與待答問題 6
第三節 名詞釋義 7
第四節 研究範圍與限制 10
第二章 文獻探討 11
第一節 父母教養方式的理論與相關研究 11
第二節 父母性別角色期待壓力之理論與相關研究 28
第三節 創意傾向理論與相關研究 38
第四節 父母教養方式、父母性別角色期待壓力與創意傾向的關係 53
第三章 研究方法 61
第一節 研究架構與假設 61
第二節 研究對象 69
第三節 研究工具 72
第四節 研究流程 88
第五節 資料處理與分析 90
第四章 研究結果與討論 93
第一節 國小高年級男女學童知覺父母教養方式之差異分析 93
第二節 國小高年級男女學童知覺父母性別角色期待壓力之差異分析 104
第三節 國小高年級男女學童在創意傾向之差異分析 112
第四節 國小高年級男女學童知覺父母教養方式、父母性別角色期待壓力與創意傾向關係模型之分析 115
第五章 結論與建議 155
第一節 研究結論 155
第二節 研究建議 160
參考文獻 165
壹、 中文部分 165
貳、 英文部分 171
附錄一:學者專家內容效度審查問卷 185
附錄二:國小高年級學童家庭生活與創意表現調查問卷之預試問卷 201
附錄三:國小高年級學童家庭生活與創意表現調查問卷之正式問卷 209
附錄四:學者專家內容效度審查意見 217
附錄五:父母教養方式量表之驗證性因素分析結果 225
附錄六:父母性別角色期待壓力量表之驗證性因素分析結果 229
附錄七:創意傾向量表之驗證性因素分析結果 231
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