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作者(英文):Kuan-Hung Wang
論文名稱(英文):Developing a model of applying mobile learning in classroom for senior high school teachers
指導教授(英文):Ming-Chou Liu
Jing-Wen Lin
口試委員(英文):Tai-Chien Kao
Chunn-Ying Lin
Tung-Chung Tsai
Yuan-Chen Liu
關鍵詞(英文):Mobile learningOperations of Community,Self-EfficacySocial Cognitive TheoryTAM
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In recent years, the rapid growth of mobile learning has not only changed the learning environment and teaching model in the classroom, but also enhanced students' motivation and effectiveness. However, teachers still play a key role in learning process and making major learning decisions. Teachers’ attitude toward mobile learning in classroom determines the success of technology implementation in learning process. This study thus intends to establish the patterns of senior high school teachers’ using mobile learning. To carry out a more comprehensive investigation, this study refers to the relevant concepts of the Social Cognitive Theory, Innovation Diffusion Theory and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), with Perceived Novelty, Perceived Ease-of-use and Perceived Usefulness as the three internal variables for the influence of teachers’ behavioral intentions of using mobile learning as well as external factors, including self-efficacy and operations of community. We hope to understand the intentions of usage of teachers toward mobile learning. The model was tested through survey responded from 230 senior high school teachers during a mobile learning seminar conducted by the Ministry of Education of Taiwan. Data was analyzed by a structural equation modeling approach and the results showed a reasonably good fit, and the discrepancies of individual differences toward the intentions of usage and the influencing factors were investigated.
Findings indicated that the behavior intentions of usage of senior high school teachers’ applying mobile learning were affected directly or indirectly by the support of teachers community, self-efficacy, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and perceived novelty. The research model explained 63 percent of variance of the intentions of usage. The influence of Perceived Ease-of-use on the intentions of usage is the strongest. The most critical impact path starts from support of teachers operations of community and then self-efficacy, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and behavior intentions of usage. The present study confirms the applicability of the research model on explaining teachers’ behavioral intentions in their teaching practices. Based on these results, promoting mobile learning in teachers community and raising user perceived ease of use for teachers are the two key factors in successful implementation of mobile learning within the school environment. We will not only help teachers to overcome the challenges of mobile learning implementation, but also gain the recognition and further support from teachers.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究的重要性 4
第三節 研究動機 8
第四節 研究目的與待答問題 9
第五節 重要名詞定義 10
第六節 研究範圍與限制 11
第二章 文獻探討 13
第一節 行動學習相關的實徵研究 13
第二節 科技接受模式 19
第三節 創新擴散理論 26
第四節 社會認知論 28
第五節 社群運作 31
第六節 研究變項與理論之間的關係 32
第三章 研究方法 41
第一節 研究設計 41
第二節 研究架構 43
第三節 研究假設 44
第四節 研究對象 46
第五節 研究工具 48
第六節 問卷預試 52
第七節 資料分析 57
第八節 共同方法變異檢測 59
第四章 研究結果與討論 61
第一節 測量模型估計 61
第二節 模型評鑑 68
第三節 結構模型估計 70
第四節 比較不同教師背景對採用行動學習教學之使用意向及影響因素的認知差異 74
第五節 質性訪談分析 83
第六節 研究討論 91
第五章 結論與建議 101
第一節 結論 101
第二節 建議 105
參考文獻 107
附錄一:預試問卷 123
附錄二:正式問卷 127
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