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作者(英文):Luong Ngoc Ha
指導教授(英文):Markus Porche –Ludwig
口試委員(英文):Chuan-Chuan Cheng
Guo-Xiang Sun
關鍵詞:Vietnamese new immigrantcultural adaptationemploymenttheNew Southbound policy
關鍵詞(英文):Vietnamese new immigrantcultural adaptationemploymenttheNew Southbound policy
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Recently, Vietnamese new immigrants have mounting impacts on Taiwan society. Yet, in the process of their integration into the host country, there are a variety of confrontations raised, especially, the ones correlate to employment issue. This study attempts to explore the challenges resisted by Vietnamese new immigrants in order to clearly percept their adaptation process in Taiwan society, whilst, to understand the support of Taiwan government by laying down the relevant policies. This study aims to explore two questions. What challenges are Vietnamese new immigrants confronting in their employment in Taiwan, and how the New Southbound Policy affect Vietnamese new immigrant’s employment.
The results of this study suggested that the challenges of Vietnamese new immigrant in their employment still remained constant. The root causes of them derived from their education level, occupational skills, family support and other factors that motivated and discouraged Vietnamese new immigrants from their employment in Taiwan. Moreover, the results revealed both positive impacts and negative consequence of the New Southbound Policy in support of Vietnamese new immigrants to eliminate the confrontations in their employment, such as creating more opportunities in seeking jobs, or accessing more the program of vocational training, and collecting financial support etc…Meanwhile, there were also some doubt views in the succession of the New Southbound Policy in support of Vietnamese new immigrant’s employment.
Keywords: Vietnamese new immigrants, cultural adaptation, employment, the New Southbound policy.
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Purpose of the Study 5
2.1 Cultural adaption 9
2.2 Cultural adaption and female 12
2.3 Cultural adaption and employment 14
2.4 Cultural adaption and government support 16
3.1 Interview 19
3.2 Ethical issues 28
4.1. Before the New Southbound Policy 30
4.1.1. Educational level 30
4.1.2. Discrimination in workplace 37
4.1.3. Family’s support 42
4.1.4. Labor laws 46
4.2. After the New Southbound Policy 50
4.2.1. New Southbound Policy 51
4.2.2. Positive impact 56
4.2.3. Negative impact 70
5.1 The challenge of Vietnamese new immigrant 75
5.2 Vietnamese new immigrants’ employment and cultural adaption in Taiwan 76
5.3 Limitation and the potentiality of further research 78

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