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作者(英文):Luan-Siang Wang
論文名稱(英文):Exploring the Process and Changes of A Family Therapy Case with the Systemic Thinking
指導教授(英文):Hong-Ying Chia
口試委員(英文):Shu-Chuan Liang
Meei-Ju Lin
關鍵詞(英文):system interactionsystemic viewtherapy processfamily therapy
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 This paper is a family therapy case study that aims to understand the application of systemic thinking on family therapy with the methods of discourse analysis and sequential analysis. The goals include: 1) understanding the systems’ content and relationship during therapy; 2) exploring the interaction change within the case family during the therapy process.
 The results are the following.
 1) This case of family therapy includes a superarching system and 70 microsystems, including family systems, other clients-related microsystems, social units, therapist-related systems, juridical and political systems, and cultural views. The long-term influence that dictated the case family have come from primarily the members' respective families of origin. A family of origin affects the personalities, inter-personal interactions, values and long-term psychological emotions, and construct the basic modules of a person's life. Systems beyond the familial level create impact on events and relationships, such as providing support or advice for the case family, as well as influencing emotions and decision-making. The criminal system is an exception, which influence continued for several years, up to the period of time the therapy was taking place. The therapy system changed the case family's mother in terms of her interpretation on the concept of father-daughter relationship.It also changed the relationship between the mother and the daughter as well. Social welfare units provided resources that brought positive support for the mother and the daughter.
 2) The case family showed three changes during therapy. The first is that the mother in this case did re-authoring the experience of paternal love through family therapy. The case family's mother hoped for paternal love. She retained a new understanding of paternal love following the therapist's postmodern re-authoring of their familial dialogue. The second is that the therapist had explored the context of the mother’s belonging need in this case, therefore that changed the influence from her belonging need on the relationship. Her methods included contacting her siblings and maintaining a tight relationship with her daughter to satisfy her lack of a sense of belonging. Her sense of ethnic identity also affected her sense of belonging. Following a renewed sense of understanding between her needs and her behavior, she made adjustments by deciding that contacting siblings was the more practical method, and became less demanding of her relationship with her daughter. The third is the change of the relationship between the mother and the daughter during the family therapy. The therapist used circular questioning to understand the pattern of interaction between the family members, and collectively explored the relationship and impact on interaction regarding three specific issues. The therapist then introduced the concept of pursuer-escape pattern and its potential impact on the case family's daughter, which changed the pattern of interaction between the mother and the daughter, with the former adjusting her approach to her daughter from a demanding to a protective tendency.
第一章 緒論........................................1
第一節 研究動機....................................1
第二節 研究目的與研究問題...........................6
第三節 名詞解釋....................................7

第二章 文獻探討....................................9
第一節 控制論.....................................10
第二節 系統理論...................................16
第三節 國內外家族治療歷程研究......................22

第三章 研究方法...................................31
第一節 研究參與者.................................33
第二節 研究工具...................................34
第三節 研究程序...................................35
第四節 研究可信度.................................39
第五節 研究限制...................................42
第六節 研究倫理...................................42

第四章 結果與討論.................................45
第一節 家族治療背景脈絡............................45
第二節 家族治療之系統內涵與互動分析.................62
第三節 家庭轉變之治療互動歷程......................141

第五章 結論與建議.................................193
第一節 結論......................................193
第二節 研究者的學習與省思.........................197
第三節 建議......................................200


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