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作者(英文):Pang-Lan Chin
論文名稱(英文):Man and Object: A Phenomenological Study of Being a Hoarder
指導教授(英文):Wei-Lun Lee
口試委員(英文):Meei-Ju Lin
Shyh-Heng Wong
關鍵詞(英文):hoardingmeaning of objectsphenomenological psychologytemporality
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本研究採取現象學態度和研究方法,以美國實境秀「儲物狂」(Hoarders)和「儲物活埋」(Hoarding: Buried Alive)這兩部電視影集中的三個單元為研究材料,目的在對儲物症提出以生活經驗為基礎的理解角度。研究顯示儲物者以物遮蔽生命中未癒合之傷口,外來者的觀看和介入,迫使儲物者的傷口裸露,顯現受物所保護和撫慰的儲物者,早已失去處理物的意願和能力,反而藉著與物在一起的綻放性時間經驗,找到唯一可以與世界連結的安身之所。就儲物者而言,儲物既是問題也是解決之道,矛盾情結讓非常態之下的生活現狀得以維持;就社會大眾而言,儲物就是問題之所在,移除物(Decluttering)無可避免地導向雙方敵對和衝突,此結果說明儲物不僅是「人與物」的關係,更是「人與人」和「人與世界」的關係,雖然本文尚屬探索性研究,對於儲物現象的理解,仍可開展不同的視野和治療觀。
Adopting a phenomenological research method, this study closely examines three episodes from two American reality television shows, namely, Hoarder and Hoarding: Buried Alive, to understand lived experiences of hoarders. This research demonstrates the tendency of hoarders to accumulate material objects as a way of shielding unhealed wounds. An outsider’s gaze and intervention forces the hoarder to disclose some of these wounds, and at the same time, reveals the unwillingness and incapability of hoarders to manage their problem. Under the protection and comfort of their material things, hoarders turn to their experience with objects characterized by an ecstatic temporality structure, and choose to reside in the only place where they can relate themselves with the rest of the world. For a hoarder, the paradoxical nature of hoarding as both a problem and solution unwittingly maintains the status quo in an otherwise unusual life; for the outsider, the problem resides within hoarding itself and the push for decluttering often leads to dispute and conflict. These outcomes reveal hoarding as a relationship not only between human and object, but also between people, as well between the human and her/his world. Despite this being an exploratory study, a phenomenological inquiry of the hoarding phenomenon in this study provides a different perspective and treatment for hoarders for future related research and clinicians.
謝誌 I
中文摘要 III
英文摘要 V
目次 VII
表目次 IX
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻探討 3
第一節 儲物症 3
第二節 儲物的相關論述 9
第三節 人與物的關係 13
第四節 小結 17
第三章 問題意識與研究方法 19
第一節 問題意識 19
第二節 研究方法 20
第四章 研究結果 27
第一節 置身所在描述 27
第二節 普遍經驗結構 43
第五章 討論與建議 57
第一節 分析與討論 57
第二節 反思和建議 66
第六章 結論 75
第七章 參考文獻 79
附錄一:原文稿 87
附錄二:意義單元分析 123
附錄三:構成主題 139
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