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作者(英文):Chao-Hsin Chang
論文名稱(英文):The Impact of Readers Theater on Reading of EFL Elementary Students
指導教授(英文):Yueh-Hung Tseng
口試委員(英文):Ya-Chun Shih
Li-Te Li
關鍵詞(英文):Readers Theaterreading
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In the 21st century, with the growing popularity of learning English, English is playing an important role in our everyday lives. In Taiwan, English teachers at elementary school emphasize the importance of listening, speaking, writing, with reading lacking.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of Readers Theater on reading of EFL fifth-grade elementary school students in Hualien County. The ten participants included six boys and four girls. The ninth-week Readers Theater program was conducted by the researcher. This is a qualitative study. The data collected included results of students’ open-ended questionnaires, interviews, and the researcher’s reflective journals.
By using triangulation for data analysis, the results showed that students during the Readers Theater program did enhance their English reading. The researcher also has provided the findings of the research and suggestions for elementary English school teachers as a reference.
Acknowledgements ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables ix
List of Figures x
1.1 Background and Statement of the Problem 1
1.2 Motivation 2
1.3 The Purpose of the Study 3
1.4 Research Questions 3
1.5 Significance of the Study 4
1.6 Limitations of the Study 4
1.7 Definitions of Terms 5
2.1 Readers Theater 9
2.1.1 The Empirical Studies on Readers Theater 12
2.2 Reading 15
3.1 Research Design 21
3.2 Case Study 22
3.3 The Role of the Researcher 23
3.4 Research Context 24
3.5 Sampling 25
3.6 The Participants 27
3.7 Instructional Design 27
3.7.1 Implementing Readers Theater 29
3.7.2 Picture Books 32
3.7.3 Scripts 34
3.7.4 Props 35
3.8 Instruments and Data Collection 35
3.8.1 Open-ended Questionnaire and Interview 36
3.8.2 The Researcher’s Reflective Journals 38
3.9 Qualitative Data Analysis 38
3.10 Trustworthiness 42
4.1 Reading holistically 43
4.1.1 Summary 44
4.2 Connecting to Life Experience 44
4.2.1 Summary 48
4.3 Interacting with Classmates through the Text 49
4.3.1 Summary 52
4.4 Sharing Thoughts 53
4.4.1 Summary 61
4.5 Using the Actions 61
4.5.1 Summary 64
5.1 Conclusion 65
5.2 Pedagogical Implications 66
5.3 Recommendations for Future Studies 68
Appendix A: The Informed Consent Form 75
Appendix B: The Web of Readers Theater
(Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?) 76
Appendix C: The Web of Readers Theater
(The Smart Turtle) 77
Appendix D: The Web of Readers Theater
(The Town and the Country Mouse) 78
Appendix E: Readers Theater Script 1
(Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?) 79
Appendix F: Readers Theater Script 2
(The Smart Turtle) 80
Appendix G: Readers Theater Script 3
(The Town and the Country Mouse) 81
Appendix H: Open-ended Questionnaire 83
Appendix I: The Form of the Researcher’s Reflective Journal 84
Appendix J: Interview Questions 85

List of Tables
Table 2.1 Related research on Readers Theater 13
Table 3.1 The schedule for the Readers Theater program 28
Table 3.2 The description of the picture books 32
Table 3.3 Scripts and time frame in the Readers Theater program 35
Table 3.4 Timeline of date collection 36
Table 3.5 The list of codes 41
Table 3.6 Relationship between the research question, data collection and data analysis 41

List of Figures
Figure 2.1 Conceptual framework of the literature 9
Figure 3.1 Concept map of research design 21
Figure 3.2 Research design of the qualitative study 22
Figure 3.3 Procedure of implementing Readers Theater 30
Figure 3.4 Data analysis in qualitative research 39
Figure 4.1 Nina’s picture 1 54
Figure 4.2 Nina’s picture 2 56
Figure 4.3 Mick’s picture 57
Figure 4.4 Gary’s picture 59
Figure 4.5 Tommy’s picture 60

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