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作者(英文):BO-SIN LI
論文名稱:網路切片與排程演算法於 NS3上的實作
論文名稱(英文):Network Slicing and Packet Scheduling Algorithm on NS3
指導教授(英文):Min-Xiou Chen
口試委員(英文):HU XU HONG JUN
Shou-Chih Lo
關鍵詞(英文):Network SlicingPacket SchedulingQuality of ServiceMulti class
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  • 評分評分:系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔
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網路切片(Network Slicing)機制與封包排程(Packet Scheduling)是網路傳輸用以保障整體的服務品質 (Quality of Service)的關鍵技術,用以滿足使用者的需求。
網路切片機制可提供最小頻寬保證 (Minimum bandwidth 並可針對不同的需求做調整且不影響其他服務的需求。封包排程可針對使用者需求分配資源,並保障不同的連線,可以得到更公平的服務總量。
本論文針對不同封包排程機制的服務公平性進行探討與實作,將這些封包排程演算法實作在Network Simulator 3 (NS3),並搭配多類型 (Multi class)服務流量,來比較不同封包排程機制在多類型服務的要求下其服務公平性的表現。
The network slicing and packet scheduling are the key mechanisms to provide Quality of Service and user requirements in computer network. The network slicing can support minimum bandwidth guarantee and let operators provide portions of their networks for specific customer uses cases. The packet scheduling can allocate the resource according to the user requirements, and support the thourthput fairness between the service.
In the paper, we concern about the thourthput fairness between the different kind of packet scheduling algorithms. The different kind of packet scheduling algorithms and multi class service were implemented in Network Simulator 3. The simluation resoults show the thourthput fairness between the different kind of packet scheduling algorithms and the different kind of service.
第一章 導論  11
1.1 前言  11
1.2 研究動機  12
1.3 論文架構  12
第二章 相關背景  13
2.1 相關排程演算法  13
2.1.1 WFQ的封包排程法  13
2.1.2 DRR的封包排程法  15
2.1.3 階層式DRR的封包排程法  16
2.2 Software-Defined Network  18
2.3 Network Slicing  20
第三章 系統架構  22
3.1 Hierarchical Deficit Round-Robin(HDRR)  22
3.2 HDRR Algorithm  28
3.3 Network Slicing結合HDRR演算法  29
3.1 Multi-class  30
第四章 環境介紹  31
4.1 環境目的及運作  31
4.2 環境配置  31
4.3 安裝流程  32
4.4 Network Simulator 3  32
A. 安裝基本套件  32
B. 下載NS3  34
C. 安裝NS3  34
D. Compile  34
E. 檢查是否成功安裝  35
4.5 Openflow  35
A. 下載  35
B. 安裝  36
C. 檢查  37
第五章 結果與分析  41
第六章 結論  49
第七章 參考文獻  50
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[3]Doo sung Back, Kihyun Pyun, Seung Min Lee, Junhee Cho, and Namsu Kim, “A Hierarchical Deficit Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm for a High Level of Fair Service” International Symposium on Information Technology Convergence, pp.115 119, November 2007.
[5]Mohammad Banikazemi, David Olshefski, Anees Shaikh, John Tracey, and Guohui Wang, ’’ Meridian: An SDN Platform for Cloud Network Services’’ IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
[6]Soheil Hassas Yeganeh, Yashar Ganjali, ”Kandoo: A Framework for Efficient and Scalable Offloading of Control Applications”, University of Toronto
[7]https://www.2cm.com.tw/2cm/zh tw/market/FEB3C8CEEC624761B9F9276F9D93ABB6
[8]https://www.ericsson.com/en/digital services/trending/network slicing
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