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作者(英文):Ching-Yu Chang
論文名稱:科技創新對組織管理績效之影響 -以人工智慧系統導入醫療機構為例
論文名稱(英文):The Impact of Technological Innovation on Organizational Management Performance - the Introduction of Artificial Intelligence Systems into a Medical Institution as an Example
指導教授(英文):Sheau-Hwa Chen
口試委員(英文):Kuo-Hsun Liao
Yi-Ting Chen
關鍵詞(英文):Artificial IntelligenceDisease ClassificationCoding ConsistencyCase Mix Indicator
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本研究使用初級資料,包括醫院病歷及人員訪談為素材,蒐集個案醫院從2020年7月AI導入後、至2021年3月抽樣每月出院5%病例,共1,272例個案,整理AI推薦、醫師、疾病分類師之編碼、病例組合指標(CMI)、DRG A區佔率,評估AI導入是否能提升編碼一致率,完整呈現疾病嚴重度。 並依全院、內科系、外科系及其他科系進行差異檢定。
統計結果發現,AI導入對於編碼一致率有影響。從使用人員來看,AI與疾病分類師編碼一致率進步最顯著,醫師與疾病分類師則是進步緩慢;從科系來看,以外科系進步較顯著,內科系進步方向正確但緩慢。而在編碼一致率提升對於組織績效的統計結果發現,編碼一致率對病例組合指標(CMI)有顯著影響,但對於DRG A區佔率則無影響,推測係因受健保政策調整之故。人員訪談結果驗證科技接受模式及創新擴散理論,可知AI導入階段政策當由認知、說服、決定、試用、持續執行,方可讓AI輔助效能提升;並應改善系統操作介面之易用性與AI有用性,提高人員使用正向態度及意願。
Under the Universal Health Insurance Care System, hospitals are reimbursed by the Health Insurance Department through coding, initially assigned by physicians then verified by disease classifiers, based on the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). Should there be any coding discrepancy, the adjusting process will take time and jeopardize a hospital’s cash flow. Whether the process could be improved with the assistance of artificial intelligence (AI) has become a focal interest to most medical institutions in Taiwan.
Primary data, including medical records and personnel interviews, were utilized in the current study. AI has been introduced to the case hospital in July 2020. Five percent of discharged cases monthly between July 2020 and March 2021, 1,272 cases in total, were collected. The codes of each case assigned by the attending physician, suggested by AI, and verified by disease classifiers were compared for consistency. The impact of such consistency on Case Mix Index (CMI) and Diagnosis-Related Groups (DRGs) Zone A was evaluated. The consistency and its impact on the entire hospital, surgery department, internal medicine department, and other departments were examined and compared.
The statistical results show that AI has an impact on consistency. The most apparent improvement is present in the consistency between AI and disease classifiers, while that between physicians and disease classifiers is obsolete. The improvement of the surgery department is significant, while that of the department of internal medicine tends to rise but insignificantly. The consistency rate has a significant impact on the CMI, but not on DRG A cases. The latter is speculated to be due to the adjustment of the health reimbursement policy.
The essence of the Technology Acceptance Model and the Innovation Diffusion Theory has been echoed by the personnel interviews and thereafter, shed light on the AI implementation. In short, innovation must be recognized, persuading, tried, and continuously implemented so as to be effective. The ease of use should be enhanced and the usefulness of AI be identified.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 科技創新於醫療領域的應用 5
第二節 醫院組織績效評估方式 10
第三節 科技導入對組織管理績效的影響 15
第四節 科技接受模式與創新擴散理論 17
第三章 研究方法 23
第一節 研究對象 23
第二節 資料蒐集方式 30
第三節 資料分析方法 35
第四節 研究架構圖及假設 36
第四章 研究結果與討論 37
第一節 研究樣本 37
第二節 編碼一致率敘述性統計 40
第三節 編碼一致率第一季與第三季比較 50
第四節 病例組合指標(CMI)趨勢看疾病嚴重度 59
第五節 醫院收入與DRG A區佔率 64
第六節 使用者訪談結果 67
第七節 假設驗證結果 68
第五章 結論與建議 69
第一節 結論 69
第二節 建議 73
參考文獻 75
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