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作者(英文):Ching-Ju Chang
論文名稱(英文):Effect of land use change on small mammal community in Hualien
指導教授(英文):Hai-Yin Wu
口試委員(英文):Yu-Cheng Hsu
Chi-Chien Kuo
關鍵詞(英文):Land useLand use changesmall mammal community
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土地利用改變是人類需求改變的結果,而土地利用方式改變後會對生存在當地的生物造成影響。花蓮縣近年來因觀光及農業政策,改變了許多土地的利用方式。為了解這樣的改變對於小型哺乳類群聚的影響,本研究探討花蓮縣於2007-2008年間與2014-2015年間,土地利用方式改變與小型哺乳類物種組成的關係。本研究設定33個半徑100m的圓型樣區,調查樣區中的小型哺乳類動物和土地利用情形(依人為干擾程度分成六類地景指數),計算各樣區區塊密度和Shannon多樣性指數,並以Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA)分析物種與地景的關聯性。結果顯示,土地利用情形在六年間有改變,樹林和草地減少,農耕地、果園、道路和其他人為環境增加。小型哺乳動物組成也有略微差異,家鼷鼠、緬甸小鼠、赤背條鼠、小黃腹鼠和鬼鼠減少,臭鼩和田鼷鼠則增加。本研究認為樹林、草地等自然環境的減少以及農耕地和其他人為環境的增加,可能會造成大部分小型哺乳動物減少,但會使依賴人為環境的物種增加。
Land use changed was the result of human’s exploitation for resources in the landscapes. It would affect organisms, especially small mammal communities through modified habitats and food resources. Land exploitation increased recently in Hualien. In order to understand the effect on small mammal community, this study investigated the effects of land use changes on small mammal communities of 2007-2008 and 2014-2015. Data of 2007-2008 was collected from previous studies including GPS sites, small mammal assemblage and habitat photos in Shoufeng and Fenglin, Hualien. 33 study areas with a radius of 100 meters were investigated in 2014-2015. Land use classification was classified by the degree of anthropogenic interference, which was classified to forests, grasslands, orchards, plowed plots, roads, and other anthropogenic land uses. Community data of small mammals was collected using Sherman’s live traps. Results of land use changes shown differences between 2007-2008 and 2014-2015, proportions of forest and grassland decreased while plowed plots, orchards and other anthropogenic land uses increased. Changes in community structures of small mammals between 2007-2008 and 2014-2015 showed little differences. Individual numbers of Suncus murinus and Mus caroli increase; while Mus musculus, Rattus exulans, Apodemus agrarius, Rattus losea, Bandicota indica decreased. Decrease of forests and grasslands, and increase of plowed plots and other anthropogenic land uses, may have caused a decrease in most small mammals, but species that rely on anthropogenic habitats may increase.
圖目錄 iv
表目錄 v
1. 前言 1
2. 方法 5
2.1 小型哺乳類調查方法 6
2.2 土地利用分類 6
2.3 統計方法 11
3. 結果 15
3.1 土地利用 15
3.2 小型哺乳動物捕捉結果 17
3.3 土地利用和小型哺乳動物的關係 20
4. 討論 33
5. 結論 38
6. 引用文獻 40

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