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作者(英文):Hao-Wei Liu
論文名稱(英文):The Relationship among Attribution of Breakup, Social Support, Male Gender Role and Breakup-related Positive Adaptation Following Passive Relationship Breakup of the Male College Students.
指導教授(英文):Mein-Woei Suen
口試委員(英文):Hsiao-Fang Lin
Shiau-Hua Liu
關鍵詞(英文):Attribution of BreakupBreakup-related Positive AdaptationMale Gender RolePassive Relationship BreakupSocial Support
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The loss of breakup is equivalent to the pain of bereavement for college students. The male gender roles that are expected by social culture make male college students hard to vent their negative emotions properly, thereby creating frustration. Therefore, this study takes 250 male college students aged 20-25 years with breakup experience as research objects, trying to discuss their situation of breakup attribution, male gender roles, social support, and breakup-related positive adaptation when they experience passive relationship breakup.

The results of the study include:
(1) Male college students who experience passive relationship breakup usually attribute their splits to the relational factor. They regard their male gender roles as importance of sex. They tend to regard their classmates as a source of social support, and recall the memories as a positive adaptation of breakup.
(2) Negative correlations are found between male gender role and social support; attribution of breakup and male gender role, while positive correlations are found between attribution of breakup and social support; attribution of breakup and breakup-related positive adaptation; social support and breakup-related positive adaptation. No significant correlations are found between male gender role and breakup-related positive adaptation.
(3) Attribution of breakup, male gender roles and social support predict breakup-related positive adaptation of male college students who experience passive relationship breakup.
(4) The interaction between attribution of breakup and male gender roles predict breakup-related positive adaptation of male college students who experience passive relationship breakup.
(5) The interaction between attribution of breakup and social support predict breakup-related positive adaptation of male college students who experience passive relationship breakup.
第一章 緒論......1
第一節 研究動機......1
第二節 研究目的與問題......5
第三節 名詞解釋......7
第二章 文獻探討......9
第一節 被動分手......9
第二節 分手歸因與被動分手......16
第三節 男性性別角色與被動分手......19
第四節 男性性別角色與社會支持......23
第五節 被動分手的正向調適歷程......24
第三章 研究方法......29
第一節 研究架構......29
第二節 研究對象......30
第三節 研究工具......31
第四節 研究程序......73
第五節 整理與分析......75
第四章 研究結果與討論......77
第一節 分手歸因、男性性別角色、社會支持與分手正向調適之比較......77
第二節 分手歸因、男性性別角色、社會支持與分手正向調適相關情形......85
第三節 分手歸因、男性性別角色、社會支持對分手正向調適預測情形......94
第四節 男性性別角色對分手歸因預測分手正向調適的調節效果......96
第五節 社會支持對分手歸因預測分手正向調適的調節效果......98
第五章 結論、研究限制與建議......101
第一節 結論......101
第二節 研究限制......103
第三節 建議......104
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