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作者(英文):Chen-Hui Lee
論文名稱(英文):The Experiences of Single Adoptive Applicant in the Process of Children and Youth Adoption Service
指導教授(英文):Yu-Chia Chen
口試委員(英文):Ming-Chen Lin
Wen-Hua Chen
關鍵詞(英文):single adoptionreceiving and feeding servicesinstitutional adoption
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1. 瞭解單身收養人在機構式收養中的歷程與面臨的議題。
2. 當前臺灣單身收養之優、劣勢。
3. 單身收養人的社會文化不利因素等。
4. 根據研究結果提供政策面、執行面與受服務者三方的具體建議,供收養機構參酌並提供更適切的服務。
1. 收養的動機為何?
2. 在收養過程中經歷哪些壓力與困難?
3. 單身收養議題下的社會環境、文化不利因素為何?
4. 單身收養人如何看待收養服務流程?
5. 單身收養人對收養的期待與接受服務後的具體建議。
The purpose of this study is to understand the single adopters’ feedbacks and feelings and the condition whether the service provide by adoption agency exactly conforms to their real adoption needs and benefits, after Children and Juvenile Welfare and Rights Protection Act passed in 2011 in Taiwan.
From the perspective of single adoption applicants, the researcher try to do the in-depth interview with five single adopters who accept adoption services through a semi-structured interview outline, and explore their adoption of adoption services through real interview texts. During the period of psychological process to find the changes before and after the contact with the institution.
This research questions which includes pre-adoption preparation, the service during the adoption period and the post-adoption is to explore the mentality of the single adopters’ experiences in the process of institutional adoption services. Through an actively listening and in-depth understanding, researcher try to find out the differences of the social and cultural background and the subjective experience of these five single adoption applicants. Based on the topics to be explored, it is necessary to have a deep understanding of the perceptions and feelings of the single adoption applicants in the experience of adopting the matchmaking service.
The different single adoption applicants have different subjective and subjective experiences. The social support of adoption and its attitude towards the adoption services and processes different from the general family type. The result of this research hope to be closer to the real experiences and ideas of the single adopters. Therefore, this study uses in-depth interviews as a data collection method to understand single adopters. How do these single applicants view the social world, and how do the assistance of adoption agency to define such social phenomena and situations. The purpose of research is to understand the experiences of single adopters in the adoption process and their expectations for institutional adoption through the perspective and perspective of single adopters’ suggestions.
The research objectives can be divided into the following three points:
1. To understand the history and issues of single adopters in institutional adoption.
2. The current advantages and disadvantages of single adoption in Taiwan.
3. The social and cultural disadvantages of single adopters.
4. Based on the research results, this research try to provide the specific advice on the policy, implementation and service providers for the adoption agencies to provide more appropriated services.
Based on the above research purposes, the focus of this study is on the issues faced by single adopters in the process of adoption and matching services:
1. What is the motivation for single adoption?
2. What are the stresses and difficulties during the adoption process?
3. What are the social and cultural disadvantages under the single adoption issue?
4. How do single adopters view the adoption service process?
5. The single adopters' expectations for adoption and specific recommendations after receiving services.
Most of the five single adopters in the study, have different views on their appearance in the adoption experience because of the different social workers or the adopters’ different personal life background. Because of the persistence of the subject, they gained different results. Looking at the experience of five single adopters in accepting foster media services, "the individual's own personality traits" and "social workers' values" are the main reasons that affect the success of adoption. Through the sharing of these five single adopters for receiving and receiving services made me feel that it is not easy for a single adoption’s application process. The traditional cultural atmosphere of the society has given a single unfavorable and unfriendly environment.
The disintegration of today's social structure and the multi-construction module of the new family really require new and more grounded service offerings. What kind of family is eligible for the best qualifications for adopting a family? How can we assess the importance of responding to the best interests of children? The social worker’s own awareness and value of the family does not abduct the rights of the single adoption applicant. I am afraid that it is difficult to have a positive solution at this time. The results of this study show that the same single adoption applicant has different evaluation results. However, the application process, evaluation basis and standards are based on the standard operating procedures set by the same mechanism. The only variable is the social worker.
Children and Juvenile Welfare and Rights Protection Act has passed for more than seven years, how to make the adoption media service provide a more fair and objective service mechanism. How to let the best consideration of children's interests be more concretely presented in the adopted service need the relevant agencies to gather consensus and jointly find a set of evaluation criteria that are consistent with the social pulse.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究緣起與動機 1
第二節 研究問題與目的 2
第三節 名詞定義 5
一、 單身收養 5
二、 機構式收養 6
三、 審查與評估 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 機構式收養 7
一、 何謂收養 7
二、 收養的動機 7
三、 收養制度的流變與模式 9
四、 國內收養服務流程現況 15
第二節 單身收養人在機構式收養中的歷程與面臨的議題 18
一、收養媒合服務與評估限制 18
二、單身收養人面臨之收養準備議題 18
第三節 單身收養之優、劣勢 21
一、 家庭結構與子女適應 21
二、 單身收養家庭或單一性別認同家庭之兒童對性別認同與性別角色行為的發展 23
三、 單親家庭的社會支持系統 24
第四節 單身收養人的社會文化不利因素 25
一、 「單身」是否抵觸「兒童最佳利益」? 26
二、 最適合或最佳利益之出養服務? 27
三、 單身收養面臨之身世告知與社會、傳統文化、環境之不利因素 29
第三章 研究方法 31
第一節 研究方法論的選取 31
第二節 研究參與者 32
第三節 研究工具 34
一、 訪談同意書 34
二、 訪談大綱 35
第四節 研究實施程序 35
一、 研究前的準備工作 35
二、 研究資料分析 36
第五節 研究的嚴謹性 38
一、 可信性(credibility) 38
二、 可遷移性(transferability) 39
三、 可依賴性(dependability) 39
四、 可確認性(confirmability) 39
第六節 研究倫理 40
一、 自願參與,告知後同意與保密 40
二、 傷害最小化 40
三、 避免欺騙 41
四、 避免雙重關係及利益衝突 41
第四章 研究結果與討論 43
第一節 研究參與者基本資料 43
第二節 五位單身媽媽的收養經驗歷程與分析 44
第三節 研究分析與討論 75
第五章 研究結論與建議 95
第一節 研究結論 95
第二節 研究建議 98
第三節 研究限制與研究者的反思 101
附件一 訪談同意書 111
附件二 訪談大綱 112
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