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作者(英文):Chun-Hua Liu
論文名稱(英文):Coordinated electric vehicle charging and power scheduling for the Internet of energy
指導教授(英文):Chenn-Jung Huang
口試委員(英文):Yu-Wu Wang
Liang-Chun Chen
關鍵詞(英文):electric vehicle chargingpower schedulingoptimizationrenewable
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  • 評分評分:系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔
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由於電動車的發展受限於充電的不便,目前大多數的電動車(Electric Vehicles, EVs)在充電站或住家/工作場所充電。如果行進間的電動車在到達目的地之前需要電力,它必須繞行到附近的充電站才能進行充電。然而目前充電站的設置數量還遠遠不足。因此,距離最近的充電站的方向可能明顯偏離電動車到目的地的原始路線,這會帶給電動車不便和多出的能耗。然而很少有研究提出短期能源管理系統,該系統考慮到了電動車充電的靈活度和分散式網格(Distributed Power Grids)之間的互助,以實現與未來的電網格(Power Grids)相關的益處。此外,還沒有研究將自適應路由選擇和充電需求融入未來電力網絡(Power Network)的能源管理系統中。為此,本研究提出了整合的日前電力調度系統(Intraday-Ahead Power Scheduling System, DAPS),該系統考慮了行進間的電動車的減排和自適應路由/充電需求,以解決複雜的短期能源管理問題。本文提出了電力共享機制,將區域網格產生的多餘電力分配給其他面臨電力供應不足的地區,從而達到在尖峰負載時段最大限度地利用可再生能源和減輕傳統發電的負擔為目的。此外,還採用了即時電力校正機制,來處理不穩定的可再生能源發電、電力負載和行進間的電動車充電需求的預測誤差。模擬的結果顯示,該方案能夠滿足行進間的電動車的優先充電需求,有效利用可再生能源發電,降低對傳統電力的需求,即時平衡電力市場中的尖峰和離峰負載。
One problem constraining the development of electric vehicles (EVs) lies in the inconvenience of charging. Currently, most EVs get charged at charging stations or at the home/workplace. If a moving EV demands power before it can arrive at the destination, it will have to detour to a nearby charging station to get charged first. However, the current deployment of charging stations is still far from sufficient. Consequently, the nearest charging stations may be in directions significantly deviating from the EV’s original route to the destination. This causes inconvenience and extra energy consumption for the EVs. However, little research work has presented short-term energy management systems that take flexible EV charging and the cooperation of distributed power grids into consideration to realize the benefits associated with the future power grids. Furthermore, there is no research integrates adaptive routing and charging demand for moving EVs into the energy management system of the future power network. Accordingly, an integrated intraday-ahead power scheduling system that considers emission reduction and adaptive routing/charging demand of moving EVs is proposed in this work to tackle the complex short term energy management problems. An electricity sharing mechanism is presented in this work to allocate excess electricity generated by a regional grid to others facing with power supply shortage, and the maximization of the use of renewable energy and reduction of the burden on traditional power generation during time period of peak load can be achieved accordingly. In addition, a real-time power tracking mechanism is employed to deal with the forecast errors of volatile renewable power generation, electricity load, and individual moving EV charging demand. The simulation results reveal that the proposed work can satisfy the preferred charging demand of moving EVs, utilize renewable generation efficiently, lessen the demand of traditional power, and balance peak and off-peak period loads in an electricity market in real time.
第一章、緒論 1
第一節、研究背景 1
第二節、研究目的. 1
第三節、研究流程 2
第四節、論文架構 3
第二章、文獻探討 5
第三章、能源互聯網日前調度系統 7
第一節、電動車協調充電與電力調度 6
第二節、行進間的電動車的即時路由和充電劃 9
第三節、充電點即時充電度 13
第四節、主幹電網即時電力供需校正 13
第五節、區域網格即時電力供需校正 14
第六節、產消者/充電點的即時電力供需校正 14
第七節、主幹電網日前電力調度 15
第八節、區域網格日前電力調度 17
第九節、產消者/充電點的日前電力調度 19
第四章、模擬分析與實驗結果 25
第五章、結論 37
參考文獻 39
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