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作者(英文):Fang-Shiuan Wu
論文名稱(英文):A Study on the Transference Relationship, Transference Interventions, and the Corrective Emotional Experience in the Treatment of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy of a Client with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
指導教授(英文):Chi-Wei Lin
口試委員(英文):Chiao-Hsiang Lin
Chih-Ju Liu
關鍵詞(英文):posttraumatic stress disorderpsychodynamic psychotherapytransference relationshiptransference interventionscorrective emotional experience
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The aim of this study was to explore how the psychological and life world of a post-traumatic stress disorder client reappeared in the treatment contexts through transference. The researchers focused on the relevance of transference interventions and its phenomenon, and explored the corrective emotional experience and its effects in treatment.

This research utilized a qualitative research method, which was a retrospective study of the counseling process of a single case, and provided an in-depth description and analysis of the process. This study was based on the therapist’s personal treatment notes and a critical incident method as the main data collection method of the counseling process, to explore the critical incidents and their connotations of the post-traumatic stress disorder case in the treatment situation, such as the patterns of transference, transference interventions, and the corrective emotional experiences.

The researcher used the counseling process recall notes, the reflection notes of the therapist, the supervision record, and the collaborative analysis record to present the ninety-four counseling sessions of a post-traumatic stress disorder client in two parts. The first part described the process of transference, countertransference and transference interventions in a post-traumatic stress disorder case. The second part was the corrective emotional experience and its effect in the treatment of the post-traumatic stress client. The research results were as follows:

First, the client reappeared her past traumatic experience and perception through the transference relationship with the therapist in the treatment situation. This traumatic experience built an important schema for the client’s future life, affecting her for several years until current treatment. These past traumatic experiences not only reflected her internal fear and anxiety, but also contained issues of emotional isolation, deprivation of rights, helplessness, isolation, and sense of abandonment of the client in relation to others.

Second, through awareness, reflection, and supervision, the therapist learned the appearance and changes of the transference relationship, and provided interpretations and interventions for the transference at the appropriate time, which helped to make the transference became a treatable content in the therapeutic relationship.

Third, through continuous transference relationship and transference interventions in treatment, the client gradually reversed her traumatic experience and perception of the past, gained corrective emotional experience, and began to regain control of her own and reconnect with others.

Fourth, changes in the treatment: In the 94 counseling sessions, the mental state of the client changed from preschool age—extreme fear, to adolescence—with clear self-concept and self-seeking direction, and achieved her personal goals one year before termination. In the later stages of treatment, this client could internalize the containment received from the therapist as positive representations and psychological functions of her inner self.

Finally, the researchers reviewed the possible limitations of this study and made recommendations for relevant counseling practices and future research.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的與問題 5
壹 研究目的 5
貳 研究問題 5
第三節 名詞釋義 5
壹 創傷後壓力症 5
貳 精神動力取向心理治療 6
參 移情關係 6
肆 移情處遇 7
伍 矯正性情緒經驗 7

第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 創傷後壓力症 9
壹 創傷後壓力症的歷史起源與發展 9
貳 創傷後壓力症的定義與診斷標準 11
參 國內外創傷後壓力症盛行率與流行病學研究 12
肆 引發創傷後壓力症的相關因素 15
伍 創傷後壓力症之精神動力取向心理治療 21
第二節 移情關係、移情處遇及其矯正性情緒經驗 26
壹 移情關係與PTSD患者在治療中可能出現的移情現象 26
貳 移情處遇與矯正性情緒經驗 30

第三章 研究方法 33
第一節 研究方法論 33
壹 單一個案諮商歷程研究 33
第二節 研究夥伴 37
壹 研究對象 37
貳 研究者 39
參 督導 41
肆 協同分析者 41
第三節 本研究中的治療取向與治療方式 42
第四節 研究材料 43
壹 諮商歷程回憶稿 43
貳 治療者反思札記 43
參 督導紀錄與協同分析資料 44
第五節 實施程序 44
第六節 資料蒐集與分析 45
壹 資料蒐集與編碼 45
貳 資料分析 47
第七節 研究判準 49
壹 確實性 49
貳 可轉換性 50
參 可靠性 50
肆 可確認性 51
伍 描述效度 51
陸 詮釋效度 52
第八節 研究倫理 53
壹 知後同意 53
貳 保密原則 54
參 免受傷害原則 54
肆 研究倫理委員會審查 54

第四章 研究結果 55
第一節 PTSD個案在治療中出現的移情現象及移情處遇之過程與內涵 55
壹 治療師重現過往嚴厲或迫害者的樣貌 55
貳 無助經驗與被拋棄感 63
參 N渴望拯救者的願望、T扮演救助者的行動化 71
肆 中斷與他人(T)的連結 79
伍 憤怒與攻擊 84
陸 界線 86
第二節 PTSD個案在治療中的矯正性情緒經驗及其影響 91
壹 以「說」取代過往的「忍」與壓抑及其影響 91
貳 提供一個支持與接納的環境 125
參 扭轉災難性的預言 127

第五章 討論與建議 131
第一節 研究討論 131
壹 PTSD個案在治療中所出現的移情現象與移情處遇 131
貳 PTSD個案在治療中的矯正性情緒經驗及其影響 135
第二節 研究建議與限制 137
壹 研究者的反思與建議 137
貳 研究限制 139

參考文獻 141
壹 中文部分 141
貳 英文部分 146

附錄一 PTSD個案精神動力取向治療背景脈絡 167
壹 個案緣起 167
貳 精神動力取向治療歷程摘述 168
附錄二 研究參與邀請函 215
附錄三 研究同意書 216
附錄四 倫理審查證明 217



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