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作者(英文):Yun-Huan Liu
論文名稱(英文):Imaging: Exploring the lived experience of looking at an image through Jung’s Active Imagination.
指導教授(英文):Wei-Lun Lee
口試委員(英文):Rong-Bang Peng
Shyh-Heng Wong
關鍵詞(英文):Imagining experienceJungActive Imaginationphenomenological methodology
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容格治療學派中的積極想像技術來進行,透過Marie-Louise von Franz (1980;2011)所建議的積極想像四步驟,來形成訪談的結構。並在積極想像技術之前,在訪談開始時,邀請受訪者對己身掛心之事進行談論,除了對觀看圖像之經驗結構進行探究之外,也對於觀看圖像之經驗如何被理解為對人類之掛慮狀態有所改變,進行考察。本研究以四份觀看圖像經驗文本為研究分析材料,透過現象學的還原思考,從經驗本身出發,考察受訪者在觀看圖像時,其中所展現出來的經驗結構與內涵。
  The purpose of this study is to explore the lived experience of looking at an image. To accomplish this purpose, a structure of interview is designed, mainly made up of active imagination from Jung's analytical psychology, the process of active imagination in this study is consulted the four steps recommended by Marie-Louise von Franz (1980;2011). Before inviting four interviewees to experience the active imagination, this study invited them to talk about their issue. Except exploring the structure of experience of looking at an image, this study also exploring the context of how can looking at an image being therapeutic for people who are suffering. The study material of this study is made up of four descriptions of experience of looking at an image. Through phenomenological methodology, this study accomplish its purpose.
  This study shows that, within the experience of looking at an image, part of images presented to be active. Images connected with each other, and a plot of story formed, a scene of image formed, too. Interviewees experienced themselves involved into the scene of image, they also had related experiences. Also, there was a phenomena of "Mirroring" during Interviewees' experience, through it, interviewees saw the connections between their issue and the situation which shows in the scene. In the mean time, interviewees saw themselves, they had new understanding of themselves.
The experience of looking at an image offer interviewees a distance between them and their issue, as if they get themselves away from the situation of their issue, by then, them can have a better view to look at their issue and themselves. And, when they experienced involving the scene of image, they saw the whole situation of the scene, and the possible way to go in the future. That's a possible way of "looking at an image" being therapeutic.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第壹章、緒論 1
第貳章、文獻探討 5
第一節、容格式的積極想像 5
第二節、以圖像經驗為內容的藝術治療 9
第三節、同樣使用圖像工具之塔羅牌諮商 10
第四節、意識三重構作 12
第五節、文獻探討小結 14
第參章、研究問題與研究方法 17
第一節 問題意識 17
第二節 研究方法 18
(一)、訪談過程之方法與步驟 18
(二)、訪談前之準備 20
(三)、資料蒐集工具 20
(四)、受訪者資料 21
(五)、資料分析 22
第三節、研究倫理 23
第肆章、研究結果 25
第一節、置身經驗結構 25
(一)、受訪者Y的置身經驗結構 25
(二)、受訪者G的置身經驗結構 31
(三)、受訪者L的置身經驗結構 36
(四)、受訪者T的置身經驗結構 40
第二節、觀看圖像經驗之普遍結構 45
(一)、掛心之事之顯現以及置身其中之經驗 46
(二)、從局部到「圖像場景」形成的圖像觀看歷程 46
(三)、「能動者」之顯現 48
(四)、「涉入其中」之視野轉換 48
(五)、涉入圖像場景時的「我他之感」經驗 49
(六)、涉入其中的形式差異以及看見關係之中的自己 50
(七)、回到掛心之事並看見新的景象 51
(八)、觀看圖像經驗之經驗結構綜觀 52
第伍章、研究討論 55
第一節、觀看圖像之經驗歷程與內涵 55
第二節、觀看圖像之經驗顯現為改變性的可能性 58
第三節、回到意識三重構作模型 61
第陸章、結論 65
第柒章、參考文獻 69
附錄 72
附錄一、參與研究同意書 72
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