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作者(英文):Yi-Ju Chou
論文名稱(英文):Correlation between Eysenck personality and emotional evaluation
關鍵詞(英文):Eysenck personalityemotional evaluationTaiwan Affective Picture SystemSelf-Assessment Manikin
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This study explores the relationship between responses to emotional stimuli by the factors of Introversion-Extroversion, Neuroticism and Psychoticism factors based on the Eysenck Personality Theory. Forty-one male and fifty-eight female adults were enrolled to participate this experimental process that watching 39 pictures were selected from the Taiwan Affective Picture System (TAPS) then evaluating each picture’s valence, arousal and dominance by the Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM).
According to the analysis of correlation between personality factors and emotional evaluation, the results show that:(1) The higher Psychoticism score of the participants in EPQ-R scale, the higher valence score in TAPS negative picture. (2) The higher Neuroticism score of the participants in EPQ-R scale, the lower dominance score in TAPS negative picture. (3) There was a significant difference between Introversion-Extroversion factors in gender. (4) There were significant differences in Neuroticism factors at different ages. (5) The TAPS positive picture of valence was a significant difference in gender. (6) Gender and age of emotional assessment differences in the positive picture of valence, dominance, and neutral picture of valence.
The researcher propose suggestions that explore the impact of cognition and culture on emotional responses in the future. Practitioners and teachers can clarify clients’ or trainee’s characteristics, introversion-extroversion, neuroticism and psychoticism for the consultation, mental health asset and clinical training.
第一章、緒論.................................................... P1
第二章、文獻探討................................................. P3
第一節 Eysenck 人格特質理論...................................... P3
第二節 情緒的心理意涵與發展....................................... P6
第三節 情緒的評估工具與評估方法.................................. P10
第三章、研究方法................................................ P17
第一節 研究對象................................................. P17
第二節 研究工具................................................. P18
第三節 實施流程................................................. P30
第四節 資料呈現與分析方法........................................ P31
第五節 倫理考量................................................. P32
第四章、研究結果................................................ P33
第一節 參與者資料............................................... P33
第二節 EPQ-R 人格問卷與情緒圖片評估的分析........................ P34
第三節 結果討論................................................. P39
第五章、結果與建議.............................................. P43
第一節 結論.................................................... P43
第二節 研究限制與建議........................................... P45
參考文獻....................................................... P48
一、中文部分................................................... P48
二、英文部分................................................... P50
附錄一、 EPQ-R 中文版........................................... P55
附錄二、 Eysenck 之EPQ-R 內容效度名單........................... P60
附錄三、 SAM 量表.............................................. P61
附錄四、 指導語................................................. P62
附錄五、 招募廣告............................................... P63
附錄六、 實施地點............................................... P64
附錄七、 說明暨同意書........................................... P65
附錄八、 人體研究計畫(C105039)審查通過證明...................... P69
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