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作者(英文):Chia-Ming Shen
論文名稱:生存博鬥的技藝: 鄉村異議青年之行動探究
論文名稱(英文):Survival acts of bricolage: an action research of a dessident rural youth
指導教授(英文):Nancy Lien
口試委員(英文):lin-chin Sha
Huel-Hsuan Lin
關鍵詞(英文):Action ResearchCritical educationLife explorationMulticulturalismYouth policyLocal skillLocalitysulk
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This study explores the life trajectory of a rural youth in the 1980s through self-narration of action methods, facing the transformation of the economic and social structure of the times, and at the same time, what challenges and difficulties are faced. The focus of this research is on the process of critique and reflection. This is not only a story record of personal life experience. Through the perspective of critical education, the national policy is juxtaposed with the cultural system between the school system, the social community and the family. How the survival strategy between each other develops, which in turn affects the individual's transformation.
The first and second chapters explain the relationship between individuals and the development of national policies, and the mutual influence between them. The third chapter begins to trace back the uncomfortable reaction and reflection process in life experience, the counter-action of the individual's inner emotions, and observe the path of change of physiology and psychology. The fourth chapter describes the relationship between the conditions of personal growth and the retrospective of family events. The way the traditional family with three generations living across the social culture of different time and space backgrounds face the gap between communication and resource integration. The impact on the interaction between family numbers. The fifth chapter looks into the conflicts between the education outside the system and the system itself, and emphasizes how the government's policy system under the judicial and social control of structural function is framed and manipulated. The sixth chapter records what kind of complex factors are drawn when the individual's self-practice ideas conflict with socio-economic interests. The seventh chapter is the choice and integration between culture and thoughts. The groups that choose different paths are developing for its benefit. Thinking and researching on self-survival strategies, re-facing the path of life in the future.
During the observation and study of the social field with its own conditions and family environment, the researcher found that the thing between expression and understanding itself is a difficult process. There is an inevitable relationship between action and experience. People have tried to narrate with his own thinking and inner emotional pressure that are being mainstreamed by society. How to take over the life experience when tracing back the previous generations under the stress and emotional tension limited by the society.
Keywords: action research, critical pedagogy, life exploration, multiculturalism, locality, emotions, youth policy, local skills
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………… 1
第二章 文獻探討:鄉村異議青年的技藝生成 ………………………… 3
第一節 台灣本土化青年政策脈絡……………………………………… 3
第二節 青年返鄉的發展路徑 ………………………………………… 4
第三節 返鄉青年、知識份子與異議者………………………………… 7
第四節 技藝者的在地生成……………………………………………… 10
第三章 研究方法:技藝者的行動…………………………………………… 21
第一節 行動方法:接續斷裂的技藝………………………………… 21
第二節 問題意識:便是家庭與個人生存困境……………………… 21
第三節 辨識生命難題與體內情緒………………………………… 23
第四節 歷史處境中的理解……………………………………………… 30
第五節 生命事件編年史(表一)……………………………………… 36
第四章 家在玉里小鎮 ………………………………………………………… 43
第一節 家是有機體的聚合物……………………………………… 43
第二節 經營家業中不同的生活圖像……………………………… 46
第五章 不合模的教習之路…………………………………………………… 57
第一節 小時候我的無奈………………………………………………… 57
第二節 學習的認知,再度回歸體制內後的體認……………………… 64
第六章 OUR老房子…………………………………………………………… 79
第一節 我們的生活主體………………………………………………… 79
第二節 社會制度與框架………………………………………………… 89
第三節 社會工作者的社會實踐…………………………………… 99
第四節 我們的共同生活圈…………………………………………… 106
第五節 工作與家庭矛盾……………………………………………… 119
第六節 我們都是社會人生的背包客……………………………… 130
第七節 創業事件編年史(表二)………………………………… 137
第七章 等差之愛到合作共生……………………………………………… 139
第一節 等差之愛……………………………………………………… 139
第二節 跨界生存的技藝……………………………………………… 144
第三節 生存的本能…………………………………………………… 149
第四節 你知道自己是誰嗎?………………………………………… 152
第五節 我思故我在的研究回顧……………………………………… 156
第六節 研究所發展的變化序表 (表三)…………………………… 158
文 獻 ………………………………………………………………… 159

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