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作者(英文):Chun-Hung Hsiao
論文名稱(英文):A Study on Applying the modified Student Teams-Achievement Divisions to sixth Graders’ English learning motivation
指導教授(英文):Yung-Chih Cheng
口試委員(英文):Chia-hwan Chen
Gen-Hua Chi
關鍵詞(英文):Cooperative LearningStudent Group Achievement Distinction Method (STAD)Learning Motivation
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本研究的目的在探討利用修改型學生小組成就區分法是否可以改善國小六年級學生學習動機: 首先,研究者希望可以藉由修改型小組區分法來協助英文能力較弱後的學生,並可以增加學生參於課程之興趣。第二,本研究會使用問卷、訪談、學習心得與反思、教師省思及錄音來作為質性研究探討的工作,來分析宜蘭縣一所國小六名六年級學生的合作學習的過程與學習動機的改變,進行為期10周,20堂課的教學活動,並從2022年4月至6月進行研究及資料收集。
The purpose of this study was to explore whether the modified student group achievement distinction method could enhance the learning motivation of sixth-grade primary school students: Firstly, the researcher hoped to assist students with weaker English proficiency through the modified group distinction method, and to increase students’ interest in participating in the curriculum. Secondly, this study used questionnaires, interviews, learning reflections and introspections, teacher reflections, and recordings as the tools for qualitative research exploration. The researcher analyzed the process of cooperative learning and changes in learning motivation among six sixth-grade students from a primary school in Yilan County. This teaching activity, consisting of 20 classes over 10 weeks, was conducted with the data collected from April to June 2022.
The research results show that students with a high, intermediate, and low proficiency of English all demonstrated a significant influence on their learning motivation. Through the process of cooperative learning, students’ English proficiency and social interpersonal skills have significantly improved. In chapter five, the researcher also proposed recommendations related to the use of the modified student group achievement distinction method for the reference of teachers who wish to use the group achievement distinction method to assist student learning in the future.
Chapter One Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Purpose of the Study 4
1.3 Research Questions 5
1.4 Significance of the Study 6
1.5 Definition of Terns 6
1.5.1 Cooperative Learning (CL) 6
1.5.2 Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) 8
1.5.3 Learning Motivation 9
1.6 Limitations of the Study 9
Chapter Two Literature Review 11
2.1 The Definition of Cooperative Learning 11
2.2 The Rationale of Cooperative Learning 12
2.2.1 Understanding Individuals’ Learning Differences 13
2.2.2. Improving Individuals’ Motivation 13
2.2.3 Stimulating Individuals’ Potential 13
2.2.4 Cultivating Individuals’ Group Work 14
2.3 Feature of Cooperative Learning 15
2.4 The Definition of STAD 17
2.4.1 The Role of STAD 18
2.5 Definition of Learning Motivation 19
2.6 Theories of Learning Motivation 20
2.6.1 Behavioral Approaches 20
2.6.2 Cognitive Approaches 21 Meaningful Learning Theory 22 Achievement Motivation Theory 22 Attribution Theory 23
2.6.3 Social Constructivists Learning Approaches 24 Self-efficacy 25
2.6.4 Humanistic Approaches 26 Hierarchy of Needs 27
2.6.5 Foreign Language Learning Motivation 28
Chapter Three Methodology 31
3.1 Research Design 32
3.1.1 The Procedure of the Research 33
3.1.2 The Participants’ Code 34
3.2 Participants 35
3.2.1 Six Participants 35
3.2.2 School 36
3.2.3 Group 36
3.3 Curriculum Design 38
3.4 Data Collection 40
3.4.1 Questionnaire 42
3.4.2 Interview Questions 43
3.5 Data Analysis 44
Chapter Four Results and Discussion 45
4.1 Motivations in Language Learning 46
4.2 Jasmine’s Background 48
4.2.1 Jasmine’s Questionnaire Responses 49
4.2.2 Jasmine’s Interview Responses 52
4.2.3 Jasmine’s Reflections 53
4.2.4 Changes in Jasmine’s learning motivation 55
4.3 Betty’s Background 56
4.3.1 Betty’s Questionnaire Responses 56
4.3.2 Betty’s Interview Responses 60
4.3.3 Betty’s Reflections 61
4.3.4 Changes in Betty's Learning Motivation 62
4.4 Cindy’s Background 64
4.4.1 Cindy’s Questionnaire Responses 65
4.4.2 Cindy’s Interview Responses 68
4.4.3 Cindy’s Reflections 70
4.4.4 Changes in Cindy’s Learning Motivation 71
4.5 Coco’s Background 72
4.5.1 Coco’s Questionnaire Responses 72
4.5.2 Coco’s Interview Responses 76
4.5.3 Coco’s Reflections 78
4.5.4 Changes in Coco’s Learning Motivation 78
4.6 Cynthia’s Background 80
4.6.1 Cynthia’s Questionnaire Responses 80
4.6.2 Cynthia’s Interview Responses 82
4.6.3 Cynthia’s Reflections 83
4.6.4 Change in Cynthia’s Learning Motivation 84
4.7 Rebecca’s Background 85
4.7.1 Rebecca’s Questionnaire Responses 85
4.7.2 Rebecca’s Interview Responses 88
4.7.3 Rebecca’s Reflections 89
4.7.4 Change in Rebecca's Learning Motivation 90
Chapter Five Conclusion and Recommendations 91
5.1 Summary of Findings 91
5.2 Pedagogical Implications 93
5.3 Research Limitations 94
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