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作者(英文):Chi-Chuan Hsiao
論文名稱(英文):Spectra of the independent dominating sets of graphs
指導教授(英文):David Kuo
口試委員(英文):Yan-An Hwang
Fei-Huang Chang
關鍵詞(英文):independence domination setindependence domination numberclaw- free graphgridtree
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給定圖G,G的獨立集是彼此不相鄰的點所形成的集合。如果有一個G的獨 立集,並非G的任何其他獨立集的子集,我們則稱它為最大獨立集。最大獨立 集是在G中,具有最多點數的獨立集合。我們用α(G)表示G的最大獨立集的獨立 數。在G的子集中,如果存在一個子集S ⊆ V (G),其所有點皆為每一個不在S中 的點的鄰居,我們則稱S為控制集。G的獨立控制集是G的控制集,同時也為G的 獨立集。當G的控制集中,最小的控制集的點數我們用 γ(G)來表示為控制數。 而最小的獨立控制集的點數我們則稱為獨立控制數,以i(G)表示。對於圖G,以 SID(G)表示獨立控制集的大小(即 SID(G) = {|D| : D是G的獨立控制集)), 且令 S(G)表示集合 {k : i(G) ≤ k ≤ α(G)}。如果 SID(G) = S(G),,則稱為 ID-perfect;另外如果S(G) − SID(G) = {α(G) − 1},我們則稱為接近 ID-perfect。
本文研究了控製圖集的頻譜。我們證明了當 G為無爪圖,或者 G = H ×Pn,, 其中H = P2, P3, 或 Km,或者 G = T2,h,(T2,h 是具有h層的完整二元樹,且h為 奇數),則 G是 ID-perfect的。我們還證明了,如果G = T2,h,且h是偶數, 則G為接近 ID-perfect。
Given a graph G, an independent set of G is a set of pairwise nonadjacent vertices of G. An independent set of G is a maximal independent set of G if it is not a subset of any other independent set of G. A maximum independent set of G is an independent set of G with the largest cardinality. The size of a maximum independent set of G is called the independence number of G and is denoted by α(G). In a graph G, a subset S ⊆ V (G) is a dominating set if every vertex not in S has a neighbor in S. An independent dominating set of G is a dominating set of G which is also an independent set of G. The domination number γ(G) is the minimum size of a dominating set of G. And the independent domination number of G, denoted by i(G), is the minimum size of an independent dominating set of G. For a graph G, let SID(G) denote the set of the sizes of the independent dominating sets of G(that is, SID(G) = {|D| : D is an independent dominating set of G}), andletS(G)denotetheset{k:i(G)≤k≤α(G)}. AgraphGissaid to be ID-perfect if SID(G) = S(G), and is said to be near ID-perfect if S(G) − SID(G) = {α(G) − 1}. We study the spectra of the independent dominating sets of graphs in this thesis. We prove that G is ID-perfect if G isclaw-free,orG=H×Pn,whereH=P2,P3,orKm,orG=T2,h (T2,h is the full binary tree of height h) with h is odd. We also prove that G is near ID-perfect if G = T2,h and h is even.
1   Introduction    1
2   Preliminary    2
3   Claw-free graphs    2
4   Cartesian product of paths and cycles    4
5   Full binary tree    7
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