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作者(英文):Chih-Ping Lin
論文名稱(英文):In vitro study on the influence of calcium ion activity by different bile salt monomers and micelles
指導教授(英文):Chen-Lun Liu
口試委員(英文):Jia-Hong Li
Hui-zhen Jiang
關鍵詞(英文):Calcium ionbile saltmicellegallstonepigmentgallstone
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當鈣離子(Ca+2)活性設定為~0.5 mM時,分別以TUDC及TCDC加入溶液中,使溶液的總濃度設定為0 mM至28 mM時,鈣離子活性顯著的降低,表示鈣離子除了與TUDC單體(二聚體)及TCDC單體(二聚體)作用,形成帶一個正電荷之複合體外,應該還與較大的簡單TUDC微胞及簡單TCDC微胞作用,由於微胞含~16-20個單體,容易結合兩個負電單鹽,使鈣離子失去活性。相對的,在TC溶液中,由於形成微胞的最小濃度(CMC)約10 mM,並且簡單TC微胞僅含~5個TC單體,鈣離子無論與TC單體結合,或是與簡單TC微胞作用,均還會保持一個正電荷,以致鈣離子的活性不易下降。儘管如此,當過量的碳酸根或色素根存在於膽囊時,應該不會與一個正電荷的複合體作用,以致不會形成碳酸鈣或色素鈣的沉澱。至於服用Ursodiol後的鈣化原因,可能是鈣離子在腸中被大量吸收,造成膽囊的鈣離子濃度增加所致。
The initial calcium ion activity of ~ 0.5 mM was monitored at the presence of concentrations of tauroursodeoxycholate (TUDC) and taurochenodeoxycholate (TCDC) from 0 mM to 20 mM. A decrease in calcium ion activity indicated the interactions of calcium ions to TUDC and TCDC monomers (dimers) as well as simple TUDC micelles and simple TCDC micelles. Because of large sizes (~ 16-20 monomers) of the micelles, their interaction with calcium ions inactivated the calcium positive charge greatly. In contrast, for simple taurocholate (TC) micelles, the critical micellar concentration (CMC) and the aggregation number were reported to be ~ 10 mM and ~ 5mM. The interaction of calcium ions to TC monomers and simple TC micelles might form positively charged complexes. Therefore, the calcium ion activity decrease was moderate. Nevertheless, the sedimentation of calcium carbonates and calcium bilirubinates should not occur. Clinical reports of calcification for ursodiol taking patients might be an increase in calcium ion absorption from small intestine.
致謝 1
一、摘要 3
三、背景介紹 9
3-1膽汁 9
3-2膽固醇 9
3-3膽汁酸 10
3-4卵磷脂 11
3-5簡單微胞 12
3-6膽鹽二聚體與微胞大小 13
3-7膽固醇結石成因 13
3-8膽固醇飽和指數(CSI)與膽固醇活動力值(ChAT) 14
3-9 鈣離子選擇電極與電化學分析方法介紹 16
四、研究方向 19
五、材料及方法 21
5.1材料 21
5.2裝置 21
5.3方法 21
六、結果與討論 22
6.1 鈣離子活性對鈣離子含量之檢量線 25
6.2 膽鹽與鈣離子的作用情形 26
6.3 鈣離子活性對鈣離子含量之檢量線 29
6.4純水系統中TC添加濃度對應鈣離子活性變化量(200 mg/L Ca2+環境) 30
七、結論 31
八、參考文獻 33

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