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論文名稱(英文):Cinderella 2.0: an Extension to Cinderella for Collaborative Programming
口試委員(英文):Wu Yang
關鍵詞(英文):coordinationcollaborationIDEJAVAcloud computing environmentFile Locking.
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現今網路系統的觀點出發,將Cinderella進行擴充改版為Cinderella 2.0。
隨著Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)的發展,透過群件系統合作使得共同開發軟體更方便,因此本論文在Cinderella的基礎上,新增了群件系統合作的功能,其目的是希望能讓使用者在手持式設備上,以合作專案的方法編寫程式,並適用於多人團隊可以一起編輯的大型專案。
現代網路越來越普及,合作已是未來的趨勢,小組通常需透過溝通合作共享文件,但是在多人編輯的時候很容易在存檔方面造成版本衝突,這時候就需要一個管控機制來解決問題。例如一個人可能會刪除一個句子的同時,另一個人插入了一個詞。 文件鎖定是一種限制訪問多人同時修改文件的機制,只允許一個用戶或進程在同一時間處理一個檔案。因此,我們在Cinderella 2.0實作了一個新的文件鎖定來解決這個問題。
Cinderella 2.0是一個雲端群件整合開發環境的雛形系統,這個雛型系統是建構在支援collaborative development environment (CDE) 的雲端整合開發環境基礎上,以android為主要的執行平台。內容包含了:原本的Cinderella 個人專案的各項功能、新增了合作專案模式,並且加上新的文件鎖定機制來解決並行控制的問題。總而言之,本論文成功的將Cinderella 2.0在IDE的溝通機制之上加入了CDE的各項功能,因此能夠支持開發團隊的整體需求。

There are many cloud integrated development environments on the Internet. However, there are relatively few cloud integrated development environments on the Android platform. The predecessors of our laboratory designed a prototype of cloud integrated development environment for novice programming called Cinderella.
With the development of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), collaborative development through groupware systems has made it easier to develop software systems together. Therefore, based on Cinderella, this thesis adds the functionalities for team cooperation and expands to Cinderella 2.0. Our purpose is to enable users to write programs on handheld devices in a collaborative project with multiple users. Modern networks become more and more popular. Cooperation is a future trend. Software development teams usually share files through communication and cooperation, but when a file is edited by more than one user, it is easy to induce conflicts. For this reason, a control mechanism is needed to solve the problems. For example, one person may delete a sentence in a file while another person inserts a word to the same file. File locking is the mechanism that restricts the access to a file by multiple user , and allows only one user or process to access a file at any time. Therefore, we implemente a new File Locking mechanism for Cinderella 2.0 to solve this problem.
Cinderella 2.0 is a groupware prototype. This prototype system is based on the cloud-based integrated development environment of the collaborative development environment (CDE), and uses Android as the execution platform. Cinderella 2.0 , while keeping the functions of personal project in Cinderella 1.0. Supports the collaborative project model, with a new File Locking mechanism, and the CDE features. In a summary,this thesis successfully extends Cinderella with the CDE features so that Cinderella 2.0 support the collaborative development of software systems.
Chapter 1 動機與引言 1
Chapter 2 背景與文獻探討 4
2.1 雲端整合開發環境 5
2.2 協作開發環境 7
2.3 Groupware 8
2.4 Computer-supported cooperativework (CSCW) 9
2.5 File Locking機制 10
Chapter 3 Cinderella 2.0的File Locking機制說明 12
3.1 會話控制 12
3.2 請求控制 13
3.3 關鍵控制 14
3.4 File Locking機制使用要點說明 16
Chapter 4 Cinderella 2.0設計 17
4.1 Cinderella 2.0 系統架構 17
4.2 Cinderella 2.0主要功能 20
4.3 Cinderella 2.0伺服器功能 21
Chapter 5 實驗功能 24
5.1 實驗環境 24
5.2 Cinderella 2.0 Java程式 24
5.3 Cinderella 2.0 Jsp程式 31
Chapter 6 實驗與比較 33
6.1 個人專案實驗的比較 33
6.2 合作專案實驗的比較 41
6.3 File Locking主要項目比較 55
6.4 Cinderella 2.0與 Codenvy 比較圖表 58
Chapter 7 結論 60
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