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作者(英文):Ai-Ling Lim
論文名稱(英文):The effects of microcystis-containing water on vegetable and soil
指導教授(英文):Kwee-Siong Tew
口試委員(英文):Chorng-Horng Lin
Jimmy Kuo
Kwee-Siong Tew
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藍綠藻藻華已經成為一個世界性的生態災難,藍綠藻藻華污染所帶來的主要危害之一是產生藻毒素,造成生態上嚴重的影響,包括損害人體健康。在已發現的各種藻毒素中,微囊藻毒素的毒性較大,但有關微囊藻毒的毒性研究大多數集中在動物上,而農作物的微囊藻毒研究較少。本研究目的為了解以含微囊藻毒之水體灌溉後,蔬菜是否會積累微囊藻毒﹐而積累的藻毒會不會被降解。本研究以實驗室培養的Microcystis aeruginosa產生的微囊藻毒,直接灌溉在青梗小白菜(Brassica chinensis)以及空心菜(Ipomoea aquatica),採用高效液相質譜儀(high performance liquid chromatography, HPLC)來定量微囊藻毒。結果以含微囊藻毒的藻水澆溉蔬菜會累積微囊藻毒,分別為種子發芽(40-60 μg/g)、豆芽(9-40 μg/g),清江菜(34 μg/g),泥土測得微囊藻毒並隨之降解。
Cyanobacteria blooms have become a worldwide ecological disaster. One of the main hazards of cyanobacteria bloom is the production of cyanotoxins, which cause ecological impacts and damage to human health. Among all kinds of cyanotoxins, microcystins are more toxic. Most studies on the toxicity of Microcystis aeruginosa have been focused on animals, but few studies on crops. This study was to find out whether microcystin will accumulate in vegetables after irrigation with water containing microcystin, and whether the accumulated microcystin would be degraded. In this study, microcystin produced by Microcystis aeruginosa was directly irrigated to Brassica chinensis and Ipomoea aquatica in laboratory. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to quantify the microcystin. The results show that using microcystin-contaminated water to irrigate vegetables, we could detect bioaccumulation of microcystin in seed (40-60 μg/g), bean sprout (9-40 μg/g), and in vegetable (34 μg/g). Microcystins detected in the soil would be degraded within days.
第一章、 前言 1
1.1 藻華產生及危害 1
1.2 微囊藻毒相關 4
1.3 微囊藻毒的安全限值 6
1.4 微囊藻毒對動物的危害 7
1.5 微囊藻毒的生物積累 8
1.6 微囊藻毒與人 10
1.7 微囊藻毒對於植物的影響 11
1.8 微囊藻毒在食物鏈中的傳遞 14
1.9 微囊藻毒的檢測 15
1.10 研究目的 16
第二章、 材料方法 17
2.1 微囊藻水的製備 17
2.2 實驗 17
綠豆及種子萌發實驗 17
青埂白菜實驗 18
土壤藻毒降解實驗 18
2.3 實驗物種簡介(土耕) 19
2.4 微囊藻毒素的萃取和分析 19
2.5 統計分析 20
第三章、 結果 21
3.1 營養鹽營養液 21
3.2 泥土微囊藻毒濃度 22
3.3 種子發芽率 22
3.4 幼苗,綠豆芽,清江菜,空心菜 23
第四章、討論 27
第五章、結論 31
參考文獻 33
圖 51
附錄 57
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The Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (2011) - Updated November 2018.

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