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作者(英文):Bo-Kun WU
論文名稱(英文):Understanding College Student’s Peer Support based on Social Constructionism
指導教授(英文):Hong-Ying Chia
口試委員(英文):Chi-Wei Lin
Meei-Ju Lin
關鍵詞(英文):social constructionismcollege studentpeer supportdiscourse analysis
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This study focus on college students’ peer support based on social constructionism. The analytical data are collected through interviewing 11 college students in the setting of both focus groups and individual interviews. The analytical method is based on Foucauldian Discourse Analysis which contains the spiritual of social construction and also strengthens individual context. It helps us to know the connotation of peer support, and the discosures and its meanings of peer support.
There are three parts in the results: First, the connotation of peer support includes satisfying individual needs, forming a strong and supportive relationship, and transforming the forms of peer support in accordance with the university environment. Participants developed different peer support models that suited their own life experiences at the university stage. Second, the discourses and its meaning of peer support can be divided into two parts. 1. Participants strengthen the rationality of interpersonal relationship which had changed in university. 2. Men and women are affected by different discourses. The "small groups" were the mainstream discourse for women in the past interpersonal relationships, and women have to counteract the “small groups” discourse at the university stage. Men were influenced by masculinities discourse such as "the boy does not cry easily", thus reducing the possibility of seeking support from peers. But as the influence of masculinities discourse gradually diminished, men may also turn to their peers for support in the university stage. Third, from the perspective of social constructionism, the study reflects on peer support of college students, and found that the peer support discourses are related to the culture that ethnic Chinese value the family. College students try to turn the peer relationships into a kind of extension as family relationship. On the other hand, college students also undergo a separation - individuation though their college peer experience, gradually developing subjectivity in their peer relationships.
In the end, the study proposed some suggestions for future researches, teaching fields, and counseling practice, based on the results, reflection and limitations.
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節、前言 1
第貳章 文獻探討 5
第一節、臺灣大學生的同儕生活 5
第二節、同儕支持的概念 8
第三節、從社會建構論反思同儕支持 12
第參章 研究方法 23
第一節、研究方法論 23
第二節、研究流程 36
第三節、前導研究 38
第四節、研究參與者 38
第五節、研究工具 40
第六節、資料蒐集與處理 42
第七節、資料分析 46
第八節、研究倫理 49
第九節、信效度 52
第肆章 研究結果 55
第一節、同儕支持的表述建構與內涵 55
第二節、同儕支持的論述層次分析 110
第三節、劇場圖像展演與個人主體性展現 128
第伍章 討論與反思 157
第一節、大學生同儕支持的內涵 157
第二節、從社會建構探討大學生同儕支持的論述及意義 167
第三節、從社會建構論反思同儕支持的意義 177
第陸章 研究貢獻、限制與建議 189
第一節、研究貢獻 189
第二節、研究限制 190
第三節、研究建議 191
參考文獻 193
附錄一 招募廣告範例 204
附錄二 知情同意書 206
附錄三 研究檢核表 209
附錄四 參與者回饋分享 210
附錄五 微觀語言學分析範例 211
附錄六 GEE任務分析 1~4範例 220
附錄七 GEE任務分析 5 範例 225
附錄八 GEE任務分析 6、7範例 228
附錄九 跨參與者間整合GEE任務分析5、6 229

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