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論文名稱(英文):The effects of cognitive and social rehabilitation group therapy on elderly chronic Schizophrenic with the cognitive decline
指導教授(英文):Shih-Kuang Chiang
口試委員(英文):Liang-Shau Huang
Wei-Lun Lee
關鍵詞(英文):Cognitive and social rehabilitationchronic schizophreniadeclined cognitive
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第一部份,本研究發現該醫院罹患具思覺失調診斷的病患約占全院82.7%。全院50歲以上住民,已佔總人數82.5%,65歲含以上住民,佔總人數30.0 %,年齡結構確實呈現老化趨勢。第二部份,本研究發現,讓研究組持續參與10-12次,運用「認知與社交復健團體」治療,病患在簡短心智功能測驗(Mini Mental Status Examination, MMSE)的表現有明顯提升(F=4.43, p=0.041),團體介入的效果量可以達到中等程度(Cohen’s d= 0.67),尤其在定向感與語言兩項認知功能進步顯著。但是此成效在團體結束後三個月的追蹤顯示,研究組的MMSE得分又會回復到團體介入前的分數。本次研究結果也顯示在精神症狀,生活品質與日常生活功能、情緒與動機方面的評估,團體介入未達到統計顯著成效,但透過團體帶領者在團體歷程,與成員回饋中的質性資料,可以觀察到成員的正向改變。
Aging is an important issue for chronic schizophrenia in Taiwan. Declined cognitive
performance is treated as one kind of characteristics in aging. The study was to investigate whether the cognitive rehabilitation for dementia can apply to improve middle-aged and elderly people with chronic schizophrenia.
The research is studied in the psychiatric hospital in east Taiwan.In the first path, analyes the proportion of emographic variables of the patients in this hospital. Next, single blind study was conducted to examine the effectiveness of integrated cognitive rehabilitation group on chronic schizophrenia. Participants were grouped into three groups, including of intervention group, control group Ⅰ and control group Ⅱ. Twenty-four participants were assigned to received twelve sessions, weekly cognitive rehabilitation group (mean of age= 61.8 years; educational years =8.83 years). Twenty-four participants in Control group Ⅰ were accepted for routinely nursing care and medicine treatment (mean of age= 61.2 years; educational years =8.08 years). Residual of participants who did not showed cognitive decline were assigned to control group Ⅱ to receive routinely nursing care and medicine treatment (mean of age= 59.5 years; educational years =10.73 years). All of them were assessed by cognitive function, emotional status, psychotic symptoms, quality of life and functions of daily living at baseline, post-session and 3-month follow-up. (This study mainly analyzes the evaluation results of the cognitive rehabilitation group and the Control group Ⅰ)
The prevalence of schizophrenia was 82.7% in mental hospital. 82.5% of dwellers were fifty years old above, and 30% of dwellers were sixty-five years old above. Compared with MMSE at baseline, the participants in cognitive rehabilitation group showed significant improvement after twelve-session intervention (F=4.43, p=0.041) with moderate effect size (Cohen’s d= 0.67), especially for orientation and language express. Unexpectedly, MMSE at 3-month follow-up in cognitive rehabilitation group could be not significantly improved compared with baseline. There was no significant differences of emotional status, psychotic symptoms, quality of life and functions of daily living between baseline and 3-month follow-up in cognitive rehabilitation. Furthermore, the results qualitative analysis for feedback from the participants in cognitive rehabilitation group supported the effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation group on schizophrenia.
Our results preliminarily supported effectiveness of cognitive and social rehabilitation group on delaying the degradation of some cognitive functions in long-term hospitalization chronic schizophrenia. Importantly, the intervention should be routinely conducted in schizophrenia after twelve sessions. Hope to provide the results for the medical and health workers caring the middle-aged and elderly patients with chronic schizophrenia. The limits and suggestions of the research are in the content, and the following researchers interested about the topic can consult.
致謝 I
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 IV
目錄 VI
表次 VII
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻探討 3
第一節 中老年慢性思覺失調症患者與認知退化 3
第二節 中老年慢性思覺失調症患者伴隨認知退化的治療 7
第三節 中老年慢性思覺失調患者與社會性心智功能 16
第三章 研究方法 17
第一節 研究架構與假設 17
第二節 研究樣本 19
第三節 研究工具 20
第四節 研究程序與資料分析 24
第四章 研究結果 27
第一節 研究場域人口結構現況 27
第二節 基本人口學資料 28
第三節 實驗處理前三組等組性 30
第四節 認知與社交復健團體的立即成效分析 38
第五節 認知與社交復健團體的追蹤成效分析 48
第五章 討論與建議 57
第一節 研究結果之討論 57
第二節 研究限制與建議 64
參考文獻 67
附錄 75
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