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作者(英文):Yi-Jhang Lin
論文名稱(英文):A Self-Narrative of the Accompanying Experience of a Depressive Patient’s Unmarried Partner
指導教授(英文):Yi-Jhao Wang
口試委員(英文):Jhih-Ru Liou
Pei-Fen Jhuang
關鍵詞(英文):depressionunmarried couplesaccompanying experienceself-narrative
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This self-narrative study addresses the lostness and frustration on this life’s journey of myself as an unmarried partner of a depressive patient, from the intimate relationship since our first encounter to the trying struggles in care and accompaniment. Chapter One depicts the mind transition from experiencing my parents’ living and dying of their sickness. Next is my successive failures in interpersonal relationship and schoolwork during my academic years. And the focus of the last chapter is to draw up my struggles and dilemma as a depressive patient’s accompanying partner.

Not only is this study an exploration of personal growth, but it also provides the reader with an understanding of the many experiences of a depressive patient’s accompanying partner. Three conclusions of the study are as follows: an unmarried partner of a depressive patient may face many difficulties during the accompaniment; the negative symptoms of depression may damage the intimate relationship gradually; and the neglect of the implied demand for self-care may delay the patient’s recovery. Lastly, four suggestions are offered here. (1) A depressive patient’s unmarried partner should remind oneself that “one’s life has to be one’s own responsibility;” “take care of oneself while taking care of the other person;” “ask for external assistance actively;” and “face up to one’s inner needs.” (2) Besides the difficulties and stress of an unmarried partner, practitioner also need to beware of the influence of the partner’s personal issues on the patient. (3) Future researchers in related fields may incorporate discussion, sharing, and counseling with their partner so as to help clarify the self-experience. (4) Every reader of this study may forgive oneself for past failure and try to accept personal imperfection as well as believe one’s worthiness of being loved.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 問題背景 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究目的 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 憂鬱症的模樣 5
第二節 相處上的推與拉 6
第三節 照顧者的重擔與反應 9
第四節 憂鬱症和伴侶的相關研究 14
第三章 研究方法 19
第一節 乘著敘說探幽 19
第二節 「我」即研究參與者 20
第三節 我生命經驗的整理與再現 23
第四節 研究的品質標準與倫理 26
第四章 兩位天使 29
第一節 母親 29
第二節 父親 33
第五章 過往人生 41
第一節 童年 41
第二節 青少年 43
第三節 出社會 47
第六章 小芳與我 49
第一節 愛情還是同情 49
第二節 成為照顧者 52
第三節 三方的拉扯 56
第四節 短暫的希望 60
第七章 回頭看故事中的自己 63
第一節 看見生命中的傷疤 63
第二節 「陪伴」的背後,藏著我的渴望 67
第三節 我們的愛情,是共生關係 70
第四節 陪伴過程中的困境經驗 73
第五節 走過之後的領悟與成長 77
第八章 結論與建議 81
第一節 結論 81
第二節 建議 82
中文文獻 85
外文文獻 89
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