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作者(英文):Ying-Chun Chen
論文名稱:20歲以上台灣人摳皮行為傾向與認知、 情緒功能關聯
論文名稱(英文):The relation between skin picking tendencies and cognitive, emotional function of Taiwanese adults above 20 years old
指導教授(英文):Shih-Kuang Chiang
口試委員(英文):Shih-Kuang Chiang
Shiau-Hua Liu
,Liang-Shao Huang
關鍵詞:摳皮症衝動控制國際情緒圖片系統Milwaukee 摳皮症量表
關鍵詞(英文):Skin-Picking disorderimpulsive controlInternational Affective Picture SystemMilwaukee Inventory for the Dimensions of Adult Skin Picking
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摳皮症是一個對大眾而言較陌生的心理疾患,自從2013 年美國精神醫學會將摳
第一階段共取樣290 名台灣人(20-64 歲),確立中文化之摳皮症量表(The Milwaukee
Inventory for the Dimensions of Adult Skin Picking,MIDAS)及自評焦慮量表(Zung
Self-Rating Anxiety Scale,SAS)兩者在台皆有良好信效度之後,進一步篩選出31 名受
過也有50%的人擔心摳皮之後的負面後果。從CPT 和IAPS 分析得知,摳皮傾向行為
向、負向與中性的72 張圖片的愉悅程度與一般人無顯著差異,然而其身體喚醒度卻
Skin-Picking disorder is an unfamiliar term to a lot of people,but is now gaining wider
recognition. In 2013, The American Psychiatric Association published DSM-5,categorising
Skin-Picking disorder as an OCD related disorder. Skin-Picking behaviors are not only
attributed to obsessive thoughts or compulsive behaviors, but more intial motives or other
physiological variables.
There are two stages in this reaserch. Reascher sampled 290 Taiwanese people whose
ages ranged between 20-64 years-old. In the first stage, the validity and reliability of
Chinese MIDAS(The Milwaukee Inventory for the Dimensions of Adult Skin Picking) and
SAS(Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale) were tested well. After that, 31 subjects were
screened out by scales of MIDAS and SAS, and then were further assigned to Skin-Picking
group and control group. In the second stage, all the subjects were asked to complete
psychological tests ,including Beck Depression Inventory(BDI-II)、Conners Continuous
Performance Test (CPT-III)、International Affective Picture System (IAPS) and accept an
The results of this research indicate that about 90% subjects with Skin-Picking
tendency reported the Skin-Picking behaviors could bring them pleasure, and about 40% of
whom thought that it wasn’t a disturbance. Evenmore, some of Skin-Picking subjects were
got used to the pain induced by the scatching wounds. Nevertheless, half of the people with
Skin-Picking tendency still worried about the side- effects after picking on their skin.
According to the analysis of CPT and IAPS, results suggest that subjects with
Skin-Picking tendencies have shorter maintained-attention span (p<.05) and lower ability
to inhibit making errors than control group significantly(p<.05). Furthermore, on the
envaluation of 72 pictures of positive, neutral and negtive contents, both Skin-Picking
group and control group have almost the same level of pleasure, however Skin-Picking
subjects show lower arousal(p<.01) and higer control of emotion (p<.05)than the contol
group significantly.
Except for the purpose of picking their skin, the underlying cause seems to cope with
the stress and negative emotions. It’s like a comforting ritual to help people releasing
negative emotions or to feel a sense of security through their hands on their skin. Low
impulsive control and low emotional arousal are also related to Skin-Picking behaviors. In
general, Skin-Picking behaviors interfere with individuals’ cognition, emotions, family’s
interaction of childhood and the pain theory indeed.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究問題與名詞釋義 2
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 摳皮症的認識 5
第二節 摳皮症與衝動控制力 12
第三節 摳皮症與情緒調節 16
第四節 摳皮症與動機表現 17
第三章 研究設計與實施 21
第一節 研究架構 21
第二節 研究假設 21
第三節 研究對象 22
第四節 研究工具 22
第五節 研究流程 25
第六節 資料處理方法 27
第四章 研究結果分析與討論 29
第一節 MIDAS 及SAS 於台灣地區之信效度分析 29
第一節 摳皮傾向族群於國際情緒圖片系統(IAPS)結果之比較探討 32
第三節 摳皮傾向族群於連續執行測驗(CPT-III)結果之比較探討 38
第四節 摳皮行為與認知、情緒、家庭之關聯 42
第五節 綜合分析與討論 47
第五章 結論與建議 49
第一節 結論 49
第二節 建議 50
參考文獻 53
壹、 中文部分 53
貳、 英文部分 54
附錄 60
附錄一 摳皮傾向行為個案訪談問卷 60
附錄二 中文版 Milwaukee 摳皮症量表(MIDAS) 61
附錄三 中文版 自評焦慮量表(SAS) 62
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