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作者(英文):Yu-Shao Jheng
論文名稱(英文):Using Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Skills in Bullying Counseling.
指導教授(英文):Yi-Chao Wang
口試委員(英文):Yan-Xuan Lai
Chih-Ju Liu
關鍵詞(英文):bullyingsolution-focused brief therapytask analysis
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  • 評分評分:系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔
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The purpose of research expected to build up a model based on solution-focused brief theory (SFBT) for bully clients moderating their bullying and reconstructing inner worldview. Two senior high school students participated the research. By using task analysis method, counseling process and transcripts were analyzed then established a set of counseling progress which includes five essentials in the progress: improving preparation, self awareness and self-exploration of insight demand, practice and change, take responsibility of behavior, and self-affirmation were adopted in research. All these essentials are not sequence occurred after another, but contain circle and recall situation, and the contexts complement each other with SFBT skills would guide clients aware and explore and clarify goals in progress.
The researcher also found it is necessary for figuring out bully clients’ inner needs by making sense about their social support from significant others or relationship, active listening and funding truthful relationship then therapeutic change would occur.
Finally, recommending that bullying may varieties as verbal, relationship, sexual physical, authority and so on, sometimes discovered and distinguished difficultly, but may decreasing with the counseling progress at various workplace in future.
中文摘要  I
英文摘要  II
目次    III
表目次   IV
圖目次   V
第一章緒論    1
第一節研究動機  1
第二節研究目的  2
第二章文獻探討  3
第一節焦點解決短期治療模式  3
第二節霸凌者的探討      10
第三節焦點短期治療應用在霸凌者之探討  12
第三章研究方法     17
第一節研究取向與設計  17
第二節研究參與者    22
第四節資料分析與處理  24
第五節研究信效度    25
第六節試驗性研究    26
第四章研究結果  29
第一節個案一   29
第二節個案二   44
第五章研究結論與建議  65
第一節研究結論     65
第二節建議       71
第三節未來研究與限制  72
參考文獻   73
中文文獻   73
英文文獻   76
附錄一研究參與邀請函 79
附錄二參與知情同意書 80
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