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作者(英文):Yu-Ting Chen
論文名稱(英文):Adopting the ADDIE Instruction Systems Design Model to Develop the scientific modeling board game of the theme“Structure and function of flowers” for Elementary School Students.
指導教授(英文):Jing-Wen Lin
口試委員(英文):Shih-Wen Chen
Yun-Ping Ge
關鍵詞(英文):modelingboard game
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本研究旨在了解學生在「花的構造與功能」核心概念的學習需求,並使用教學系統化設計模式來發展學習方案。據此目的,探討以下問題:一、在ADDIE模式的「分析」(Analysis, A)階段:國小「花的構造」的教學現況與需求為何?;二、在ADDIE模式的「設計」(Design, D1)階段:如依據A的結果擬定桌遊設計架構?;三、在ADDIE模式的「發展」(Development, D2)階段:如何依據D1的結果發展桌遊?;四、在ADDIE模式的「實施」(Implement, I)階段:依據D2發展出的桌遊如何應用於課室教學中?;五、在ADDIE模式的「評鑑」(Evaluation, E)階段:桌遊的實體部件與設計理念的適切程度如何?
The purpose of this study is to understand the learning needs of students in the core concepts of "flower structure and function" and to use the instruction systems design model to develop learning programs. According to this purpose, the following questions are discussed: First, in the "Analysis" (A) stage of the design mode of the ADDIE teaching system: What is the current situation and demand for the teaching of the "flower structure" of the national small school? Second, in the "Design" (D1) stage of the ADDIE teaching system design pattern: If the results of the A stage are based on the design of the board game design? Third, in the "Development" (D2) stage of the ADDIE teaching system design model: how to develop a board game based on the results of D1 stage? Fourth, in the "Implementation" (I) stage of the ADDIE teaching system design model: How is the board game developed according to D2 stage applied to classroom teaching? 5. In the "Evaluation" (E) stage of the ADDIE teaching system design model: What is the appropriateness of the physical components and design concepts of the board game?
In this study, the design-based research method was adopted, and the ADDIE instruction systems design model is used as the research structure. The Q- elementary school student and P- elementary school student who used the Kang-Hsuan version of the textbook in the northern region were the subjects, among which the lower grade students were 8, the middle grades were 11, the senior grades were 9.

In the A stage, according to the 9-year syllabus and 12-year national syllabus to design the structure and function of the flower test. Let the children of each grade do the test. The analysis results show that the students have many misperceptions before learning and after learning. Based on this result, a learning scheme combining model and game learning is proposed. In the D1 stage, the learning content is organized by modeling, then the game elements of the model of the flower are organized, and then the game rules structure of the board game is designed. In the D2 stage, after developing the board game rules according to the rules of the game, the board game entity is developed. In the I stage, same group of elementary school children play the board game, and do the test. This research explores the board game can improve the learning, and found that the application of board games to the preschool guidance of lower grade students can reduce the existing misconceptions. For middle grade students, the board game can improve the learning of flower structure and function. For senior grade students, the board game can slightly improve the correctness of the learning. In the E stage, experts are invited to fill out the board game design assessment form to understand the appropriateness of the design of the physical objects of the board game and the teaching objectives. Experts believe that it is necessary to clarify whether "Bees will attack the flower buds" and "Bees get pistils" correction is required, and the correspondence between the design of the other board game physical objects and the teaching objectives is appropriate.
謝誌 ii
摘要 iv
目錄 viii
圖次 xii
表次 xiii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
壹、研究背景 1
貳、研究動機 3
第二節 研究目的與研究問題 4
壹、研究目的 4
貳、研究問題 4
第三節名詞解釋 5
壹、ADDIE教學系統設計模式(ADDIE Instruction Systems Design Model, 以下簡稱ADDIE模式) 5
貳、遊戲式學習(Game-Based Learning, GBL) 5
參、科學模型(Science model) 5
肆、建模(Modeling) 6
伍、花的構造與功能 6
陸、桌遊(Board Game) 6
第四節 研究範圍與研究限制 7
壹、研究範圍 7
貳、研究限制 8
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 ADDIE模式(ADDIE Instruction Systems Design Model) 9
小結 12
第二節 科學模型與建模 13
壹、科學模型 13
貳、建模 14
小結 15
第三節 遊戲式學習與桌遊 15
壹、遊戲式學習(Game Based Learning, GBL) 15
貳、遊戲化的機制與設計 21
參、桌遊(Board Game) 22
小結 24
第四節 花的構造之學習 24
壹、花的構造之科學觀點 24
貳、花的構造之課程 25
參、國小學童學習花的構造與功能 28
小結 29
第三章 研究設計 30
第一節 設計本位研究法(Design-based research, DBR) 30
第二節 研究對象 30
第三節 研究架構 31
第四節 研究流程 31
第五節 研究工具 32
壹、花的構造與功能試題(詳見附錄二、附錄三) 32
貳、遊戲規則設計雙向細目表(詳見附錄四) 37
参、桌遊發展記錄表 38
肆、桌遊設計評鑑表(詳見附錄五) 39
伍、同意書 46
第六節 資料蒐集與分析 47
壹、花的構造與功能試題 47
貳、專家回饋記錄表 48
參、桌遊發展記錄表 48
肆、桌遊設計評鑑表 48
第四章 研究結果與討論 49
第一節 分析階段:國小學童「花的構造與功能」的學習現況 49
壹、低年級結果分析 49
貳、中年級結果分析 51
參、高年級結果分析 53
小結 55
第二節 設計階段:建立桌遊的設計架構 56
壹、以建模歷程組織學習內容 56
貳、花的模型之遊戲元素 59
參、建構桌遊的遊戲規則 62
小結 62
第三節 發展階段:發展桌遊實體 63
壹、發展桌遊規則 63
貳、桌遊發展紀錄表(詳見附錄九、附錄十) 72
第四節 實施階段:桌遊對不同學習需求學生之影響 72
壹、桌遊對「未學過花的構造,未學過構造的功能」低年級學童的影響 72
貳、桌遊對「學過花的構造,未學過構造的功能」中年級學童的影響 75
參、桌遊對「學過花的構造,學過構造的功能」高年級學童的影響 78
第五節 評鑑階段:桌遊的實體部件與設計理念的適切程度 80
壹、評鑑結果報導 80
第五章 研究結論與研究建議 87
第一節 研究結論 87
第二節 研究建議 88
壹、在設計、發展階段,模型與建模的表現可以是多種形式的 88
貳、在設計、發展、實施階段,以遊戲理論建構開發桌遊的歷程 88
參考文獻 89
一、中文部分 89
二、英文部分 93
附錄一、桌遊戲內容 95
附錄二、花的構造與功能試題─A卷範本 103
附錄三、花的構造與功能試題─B卷範本 104
附錄四、遊戲規則設計雙向細目表 105
附錄五、桌遊設計評鑑表 106
附錄六、照片使用授權同意書範本 110
附錄七、兒童家長/法定代理人知情同意書範本 111
附錄八、專家回饋記錄表 112
附件九、桌遊發展記錄─待調整項目總表 113
附錄十、桌遊發展記錄─調整項目細項 115

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