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指導教授(英文):Tien-Tai Wu
口試委員(英文):Pasuya Poiconx
Chuan-Rong Yeh
關鍵詞(英文):indigenous experimental primary schoolPangcah language immersive schoolindigenous educationPangcah educationsakalatamdawseven strengths literacy
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The purpose of this article is to explore the educational philosophy of the Pangcah language immersive school still under active development, and describe the appearance of the school that it touches on curriculums, teachers, parents, students, tribes, etc. In addition, it also serves as a reference and suggestion for the future development of indigenous schools.
Part 1(Chapter 1, 2 and 3) this article first points out that since the " Three-Type Acts of Experimental Education " was passed and implemented at the end of 2014, by 2020, there have been as many as 22 Indigenous National Experimental Primary Schools covering different Indigenous ethnic groups. In addition to the curriculum objectives of "learning stimulation" and "cultural inheritance", the connotation of the education subjects of indigenous peoples should return to the core proposition of "how to be humankind".Later, in addition to reviewing the development of Taiwan ’s indigenous education through related indigenous education documents, this article pointed out that it was the deprivation of the indigenous ethnic culture and language from the colonial deprivation to the reproduction of contemporary subjects, besides this, it is also the process of changing througth curriculum model, curriculum structure, curriculum teaching content. On the other side,this paper also based on the linguistic scholars' discussions to propose a language rejuvenation strategy which uses ethnic languages as the school's teaching language. In addition, this article cuts in from a cultural point of view, and as pointed out by the anthropologist Benedict in the Cultural Model, that the development of ethnic groups at different levels of culture is deeply influenced by their choice of values and motivation goals. The Pangcah cultural system and the values expressed by the old oral tradition, as well as the experience of foreign education in New Zealand Māori education and domestic Waldorf schools, Daohe experimental schools, etc., are used to explore the basis of the image of Pangcah language immersive school, at the same time, the research results and reference suggestions are finally obtained in the following two parts through the data obtained from the surveys and observations of the research participants.
Part 2 (Chapter 4 and 5) from the perspective of autonomous education generated by the subject, this paper proposes the connotation of the educational concept of the Pangcah language immersive school, which includes the traditional cultural knowledge and value that survives and reproduces in the contemporary; the process of language preservation and activation; the learning experience based on ethnic cultural knowledge, etc., these connotations are more based on the core value chosen by the Pangcah culture: Seven Strengths Literacy,and it is also the condition and way for being Pangcah, so it directly responds to the proposition of "how to be humankind": Sakalatamdaw. In addition, from the above basis, this article also gradually explores and analyzes the images of the Pangcah language immersive school through the study of the participants in the practice of Pangcah education and curriculum development in the course trial camp. The five image-oriented aspects of the curriculum, teachers, parents, students, and tribes, which are the reconnecting traditional and contemporary empirical knowledge, and the immersive learning process of language and culture; practitioners and learners who recognize and maintain a high awareness of ethnic culture, and are also intercultural abilities who connect and transform traditional and contemporary empirical knowledge; identify with the ethnic group-based educational model also has traditional knowledge, and consciously exercise the right to choose education, and is willing to participate in the process of becoming an Pangcah with the children ’s learning; the elementary school stage in the seven strengths literacy promotes the relationship between the group, the person, and themselves development, thus shaping the foundation of the Pangcah's ideal group personality, and the basic ability and experience to extend the learning tentacles; in the interaction between teachers, parents, and students to promote the connection of multidirectional relationships and integrate with the tribe, etc. .
Part 3 (Chapter 6) based on the research results of the previous part, this article more specifically points out that the Pangcah is an autonomous educational action based on the consciousness of ethnic groups, and by constructing a culture and language-immersed tribal learning environment, as well as curriculum design that combines mixed-age, age-group teaching, and multicultural education models and community-based models, to achieve the aims of cultivating contemporary Pangcah people with intercultural knowledge. In addition, this article also mentions that the research participants at the stage of development can actively cooperate with the whole Pangcah language kindergarten, the Pangcah language promotion organization, and specific tribes, in order to accelerate the establishment of the Pangcah language immersive school, and build a coherent learning system which from preschool to elementary and high school year by year, as well as the suggestions of a dual tutor system and school hardware design and boarding school planning which from the spirit of the cultural system. In addition, this article also proposes that the teacher training system of the indigenous ethnic schools in the future needs to redesign the plan in line with the education connotation of the ethnic group in order to make the indigenous ethnic cultural values and subjectivity truly practice in the education field.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與問題 5
第三節 名詞釋義 9
第四節 研究範圍與架構 11
第二章 文獻探討 13
第一節 原住民族教育發展回顧 13
第二節 原住民族教育課程模式 19
第三節 原住民族實驗教育現況 22
第四節 文化理論 29
第五節 阿美族文化中的教養 40
第六節 紐西蘭毛利教育與國內另類教育的經驗 56
第三章 研究方法 67
第一節 研究場域 67
第二節 研究分析與流程 69
第三節 研究範圍與限制 70
第四節 研究參與對象 72
第五節 研究方法 76
第六節 研究倫理 84
第七節 研究預期效益 85
第四章 Sakalatamdaw學校的教育理念 86
第一節 阿美族自主的教育 86
第二節 阿美族自主教育的核心價值與素養 102
第五章 Sakalatamdaw學校的圖像 129
第一節 文化主體的課程 129
第二節 課程試行營隊 152
第三節 教師的圖像 175
第四節 家長的圖像 183
第五節 學生的圖像 185
第六節 部落的圖像 198
第六章 結論與建議 203
第一節 結論 203
第二節 建議 212
參考文獻 221
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