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作者(英文):Hsiao-Ju Lan
論文名稱(英文):A Self-Reflective Study of The Curation of “Aging: Tongzhi Elders Film Festival”
指導教授(英文):Chun-Chi Wang
口試委員(英文):Li-Fang Liang
She-Fong Chung
關鍵詞(英文):older tongzhi peoplesame-sex marriageactivist film festivalhomonormativity
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The prevailing homonormativity that upholds the institution of marriage, monogamy, and the nuclear family causes aging alone to be thought of as failing and futureless, excluding other “non-normative” intimate relationships. Same-sex marriage, therefore, is sugarcoated as the promise of a decent and happy aging life for older tongzhi people. To tackle this issue, my thesis project curates a film festival, titled Aging: Tongzhi Elders Film Festival, with films that represent the different lifestyles of older LGBTQ and tongzhi people, in the hope of enriching the discourses about older tongzhi people. My curatorial concept emphasizes that the representation and visualization of the lifestyles of older tongzhi people need diversity beyond marriage.
Self-defined as an activist film festival intended to activate a social change in terms of culture, my curation is based on a historical review of the socio-cultural visibility of older tongzhi people in the context of Taiwan and a critical interrogation of the assumption of marriage in relation to aging. To engage the audience in thinking about the issue, the screenings were followed by post-screening discussion sections led by advocates of older tongzhi people to help deliver my curatorial concept. This film festival effectively created in its audience a comprehensive understanding of older tongzhi people, opened up their visualization regarding older tongzhi people’s lifestyle, and can serve as an initiative to build a local community that is friendly to older tongzhi people.
I.Curatorial Concept 1
A.The Literary Representation of Older Tongzhi People 2
B.The Articulation of Marriage and Older Tongzhi People in the Tongzhi Community 3
C.Alternatives to Same-Sex Marriage When Aging 8
II.Curating An Activist Film Festival 12
A.Film Selection 14
1.Love is Strange 16
2.Scars on Memory 17
3.A Great Ride 18
4.Sabien & Anna 19
5.Before the Last Curtain Falls 20
6.The LuLu Sessions 21
7.The Art of Carrying Fruit 22
B.Preparation Process 23
III.A Self-Reflective Analysis 27
A.The Funding 27
B. The Audience 29
IV.Conclusion 32
Works Cited 35
Appendix 41

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Legal Source
Civil Code. art. 1138.
Medical Care Act. art. 63, 64.

A Great Ride. Dir. Deborah Craig. Frameline, 2018.
Art of Carrying Fruit. Dir. Claire Couson. A Solo Entertainment, 2018.
Before the Last Curtain Falls. Dir. Thomas Wallner. Gebrueder Beetz, 2014.
Love is Strange. Dir. Ira Sachs. Perf. John Lithgow and Alfred Molina. 2014.
Sabien and Anna. Dir. Jeehye Kay Jang. Mischa casparie, 2019.
Scars on Memory. Dir. Mickey Chen. Taiwan Public Television, 2005.
The LuLu Sessions. Dir. S. Casper Wong. S. Casper Wong, 2011.

TV Advertisement
Isabelle He and He:Let’s Get Married. Dir. Ging-Zim Lo. Perf. Tian-ming Wang and Siang He. Isabelle, 2014. TV advertisement.  
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