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作者(英文):Wei-An Liao
論文名稱(英文):3-D Finger Joint Position Estimation and Gesture Recognition with Deep Learning
指導教授(英文):Cheng-Chin Chiang
口試委員(英文):Shyi-Chy Cheng
Shi-Jim Yen
關鍵詞:深度學習卷積神經網路手勢辨識關節點估測隨機森林Fast R-CNN最近鄰居
關鍵詞(英文):Deep learningConvolution Neural Network (CNN)Gesture recognitionHand Joint Positions EstimationRandom forestsFast R-CNNNearest Neighbor
  • 推薦推薦:0
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  • 評分評分:系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔
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近年來,市面上的科技與產品促進人們以更多元、廣泛的方式進行人機互動,例如運用手勢動作等方式來操作電腦遠比使用傳統的鍵盤與滑鼠來的便利。手勢辨識是在人機互動中能使用自然手勢命令(Gesture Commands)進行操控的一個熱門議題,手勢辨識時常需要準確的手指關節點位置以取得時間及空間上的特徵才能夠辨識出不同的動作指令。在這篇論文我們提出最近鄰居卷積神經網路(Nearest Neighbor Convolutional Neural Network, NN-CNN)來估測手指關節點位置,再以手指關節點為輸入,搭配了隨機森林的手勢動作辨識應用來驗證我們關節點位置估測結果的準確度。我們的做法是先以Faster R-CNN從RGBD深度攝影機產生之深度影像中偵測手部位置,接著透過最近鄰居卷積神經網路對手指關節點定位,最後我們以隨機森林訓練並測試張開手掌、抓握、捏、翻手掌、順時針旋轉、逆時針旋轉等6種動態手勢。透過手勢辨識的結果以及與其他方法之比較的結果,證實我們的NN-CNN擁有較好的準確率。
In recent years, with the development of technology, many products and technology facilitates various ways of human–machine interaction like gesture commands which is much more convenient than traditional mechanical operations using keyboards and mouse. Hand gesture recognition has been a popular topic in enabling natural gesture commands in human–machine interaction. Gesture recognition often requires the accurate positions of finger joints to acquire effective both spatial and temporal features for classifying different gesture commands. In this thesis, we propose a deep learning neural network called nearest neighbor convolutional neural network (NN-CNN) to estimate finger joint positions and then verify the estimating results with a hand gesture recognition application using a random forest recognizer. With a Faster R-CNN, we extract the hand region from a RGBD camera and then the NN-CNN locates the finger joint positions from the acquired depth image. We train and test 6 dynamic gestures, including opening fist, grasping, pinching, turning over palm, clockwise rotating, counterclockwise rotating, using the proposed NN-CNN and random forest. The recognition performance is examined and compared for different methods. The results show that the proposed NN-CNN achieves better accuracy.
摘要 III
Abstract IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 系統流程 2
1.3 章節架構 3
第2章 文獻探討 5
2.1 關節點估測 5
2.2 隨機森林(Random Forests) 7
2.3 卷積神經網路(CNN) 8
第3章 關節點估測之最近鄰居卷積神經網路 13
3.1 深度影像前處理 13
3.2 關節點估測 14
第4章 動態手勢辨識 19
4.1 動態手勢辨識之前處理 19
4.2 動態手勢辨識 20
第5章 實驗結果與討論 23
5.1 紐約大學手勢資料庫 23
5.2 關節點估測實驗 23
5.3 實驗結果分析與比較 25
5.4 動態手勢辨識 28
第6章 結論與未來研究方向 33
參考文獻 34

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