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作者(英文):Chung-Wei Liang
論文名稱(英文):The Implementation and Discussion of OpenLDAP User Account Management System
指導教授(英文):Shou-Chih Lo
口試委員(英文):Yao-Chung Chang
Guan-Ling Lee
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  • 評分評分:系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔
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  With the advances of information technology, universities are gradually moving towards smart campuses by integrating various campus informatization software and hardware to generate innovative services such as smart campus 4.0, AI artificial intelligence, cloud services, IOT Internet of Things, big data Analysis, and social networks.
  In this thesis, we first discuss the concept, characteristics, construction mode, and overall structure of the smart campus, and finally explain the design of the administrative aspect of the OpenLDAP account management system.
  This paper will focus on the implementation and discussion of the OpenLDAP account management system, and then integrate the account system architecture of Tzu Chi University of Science and Technology by solving the single sign-in integration problem of the account system in the smart campus architecture to maintain zero cost and difficulty in handover.
  This paper proposes to use the OpenLDAP account management system to integrate applications with highly customized data attributes and extended development kits to improve user account security and solve original information security issues, so that account management can be more complete.
誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
第1章 前言 1
研究背景與動機 1
研究目的 2
論文綱要 2
第2章 OpenLDAP 3
2-1 LDAP歷史與背景知識 3
2-2 LDAP版本間差異 3
2-3 OpenLDAP常用屬性及描述介紹 5
2-4 LDAP—「輕量化」的X.500 7
2-5 共通目錄的好處 8
2-6 帳號集中管理 9
2-7 simpleSAMLphp 實現Google Apps 單一簽入 12
2-7-1 OpenLDAP同步條件 14
2-8 Samba與OpenLDAP整合 15
第3章 實作方法與結果 19
3-1 系統架構環境 19
3-2 研究實作方法 20
3-2-1 OPENLDAP伺服器環境架設實作 20
3-2-2 大量建置新生帳號 29
3-2-3 Mail2000及 Gmail帳戶建置 30
3-2-4 舊生轉校友帳號 31
3-2-5 更改使用者姓氏及名字 32
3-2-6 Freeradius安裝設定 33
3-2-3 OpenVPN 安裝設定 34
3-2-4 OpenLDAP同步 35
3-2-5 OpenLDAP備份還原 36
第4章 校園資訊化技術行政面應用 39
4-2 校務資訊系統寫號驗證 41
4-3 E-learning線上學習系統驗證 43
4-4 OpenLDAP網頁系統 44
4-5 Mail2000郵件系統驗證 47
4-6 Google Workspace整合 48
4-7 Winoc學生上網管理系統 49
4-8 TANetRoaming & Eduroam學術無線漫遊 50
4-9 慈濟雲儲存 51
4-10 Jitsi遠距教學系統 54
4-11 Fortie電腦教室上網認證系統 55
第5章 結論與未來工作 57
結論 57
未來工作 57

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