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作者(英文):Jun-Lin Chen
論文名稱(英文):Multiplanes geometric approach for sound source localization with TDOA
指導教授(英文):Tsung-Ying Sun
口試委員(英文):Sheng-Ta Hsieh
Chun-Ling Lin
關鍵詞(英文):sound source localizationtime difference of arrival estimationestimated result enhancement
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利用多組感測器間的到達時間差(Time-Difference-of-arrival, TDOA)交集,估測聲源位置,理論上可獲得精確的聲源定位。但是,在現實應用中的取樣率造成的誤差,影響到達時間差使估測範圍偏移。誤差交互影響,在幾何定位訊號源估測位置產生偏移甚至無解。
The accurate sound source localization is to find the intersection of estimation range by TDOAs. However, the sample rate is not infinite in reality, the sample error in TDOAs makes the estimation range shift. The above error causes the source positioning offset or even no solution in geometric positioning. In order to solve the problem aforementioned, a novel geometric approach based on multiplanes is proposed.
In this thesis, the difference which the estimated range change from the conventional hyperboloids method to the multiplanes is proposed. By using the equation of the sensor array vector and its TDOAs. Geometrically, multiplanes are more likely to have intersections than hyperboloids, and the effect of error caused by sample error is lower, and the estimation of sound source position is less to have an empty set solution. And a discriminant is added in this study in the case of more than five sensors, t can be used to select a suitable TDOAs to estimate better solution.
The experimental simulation proves that this algorithm can effectively improve the estimation success rate and stability of geometric positioning, and reduce the situation that the original geometric methods cannot be performed under the influence of sample error, and in the case of multiple sensors. The estimation accuracy will also be improved.
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-3 研究動機 5
1-4 研究方法與貢獻 6
1-5 論文架構 7
第二章 TDOA的幾何定位 9
2-1 時間差偵測 9
2-1-1 相關性分析 9
2-1-2 估測時間差分析 10
2-2 定位演算法 14
2-3 取樣誤差的影響 16
第三章 多平面幾何定位法 19
3-1 多項等式聯立 19
3-2 限制條件 21
3-3 多感測器應用延伸 22
3-4 演算法流程 25
第四章 實驗模擬與數據 29
4-1 實驗說明 29
4-2 實驗結果 31
4-2-1 幾何定位的穩定性 31
4-2-2 精確度影響 34
4-2-3 多感測器應用 37
4-3 實驗討論 39
第五章 結論與未來工作 41
5-1 結論 41
5-2 未來工作 41
參考文獻 43
作者簡歷 47
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