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作者(英文):Chih-Wei Chen
論文名稱(英文):Fast Coding Unit and Prediction Unit Decision Algorithms for 3D Video Coding
指導教授(英文):Mei-Juan Chen
口試委員(英文):Ro-Min Weng
Po-Hung Wu
關鍵詞(英文):3D Video Coding3D-HEVCFast AlgorithmCU PredictionPU Mode DecisionCosine Similarity
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三維高效率視訊編碼(3D High Efficiency Video Coding, 3D-HEVC)是為了支援多視角影片(Multiview video)和基於深度資訊的3D影片(Depth-based 3D video)而設計的最新一代的三維視訊編碼標準。雖然能更有效地處理多視角加景深(Multiview plus depth, MVD)這種格式,但伴隨而來的是較高的編碼複雜度。本論文提出編碼單位深度預測、預測單位模式決策及位元失真成本(Rate-Distortion Cost, RD-cost)預測等快速演算法來減少3D-HEVC編碼複雜度。本論文提出透過空間域、時間域及視角間的對應編碼單位來預估當前編碼單位的深度及刪減不必要的預測單位模式,並且透過獨立視角中對應編碼單位的位元失真成本值來預測相依視角編碼單位之位元失真成本值,減少不必要的編碼程序。實驗結果顯示本論文所提出的演算法與原系統HTM-16.0比較,在Random-access架構下平均可節省約34.379%的編碼時間,而合成視角的平均BD-Bitrate只有增加1.757%,在相同的畫面品質下比參考文獻使用了更少的編碼資料量,並且能節省更多的編碼時間。
Three-Dimensional High Efficiency Video Coding (3D-HEVC), the extension of HEVC, is designed to support the multi-view and depth-based 3D video. By using 3D-HEVC, the multi-view plus depth (MVD) video format can be coded more efficiently. However, the improvement of video quality is accompanied by the increase of computation complexity.
In this thesis, we propose a fast algorithm with coding unit (CU) prediction, prediction unit (PU) mode decision and rate-distortion cost (RD-cost) prediction to solve the problem of high complexity of 3D-HEVC encoder. Our method uses the relationship between current CU and spatially, temporally, inter-view neighboring CUs to avoid unnecessary CU depths and PU modes. Early termination of the unnecessary CU process in dependent view is proposed by predicting the RD-cost of the CU in dependent view from the RD-costs of corresponding CUs in independent view.
The experimental results show that our algorithm can reduce 34.379% coding time on average, while the average BD-Bitrate of synthesized view is 1.757% compared to HTM16.0. Furthermore, our fast algorithm outperforms previous work for both coding performance and coding speed.
摘要 I
Abstract III
目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 三維高效率視訊編碼概述 1
1.2 三維高效率視訊編碼系統架構介紹 2
1.2.1 獨立視角編碼 5
1.2.2 相依視角編碼 11
1.2.3 景深資訊編碼 15
1.3 研究動機 16
1.4 論文架構 16
第二章 相關文獻探討 17
2.1 應用於彩色影像之快速演算法 17
2.2 應用於景深資訊之快速演算法 18
2.3 應用於3D-HEVC整體之快速演算法 19
第三章 所提出之快速演算法 21
3.1 編碼單位深度預測與修正演算法 21
3.1.1 編碼單位深度預測 22
3.1.2 編碼單位深度修正 29
3.2 預測單位模式決策演算法 32
3.3 位元失真成本預測演算法 35
3.3.1 不同視角間位元失真成本分布之觀察 35
3.3.2 位元失真成本預測 35
3.4 快速編碼單位及預測單位決策演算法之整體流程 39
第四章 實驗結果 43
4.1 實驗環境及實驗參數之介紹 43
4.2 實驗結果 49
第五章 結論與未來展望 65
參考文獻 67
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