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作者(英文):Yen-Ting Wu
論文名稱(英文):Design of High Linearity Low Power Low Noise Amplifiers for vehicle radar system Application.
指導教授(英文):Ro-Min Weng
口試委員(英文):Sheng-Yu Peng
Zhi-Long Xiao
關鍵詞(英文):Low noise amplifierBalunFMCW radarLTE
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第一顆為應用於LTE頻段高增益單端轉雙端之低雜訊放大器使用GM-boost技術,LTE通訊系統操作頻率為0.7到2.7 GHz,此電路具有單端轉差動之設計,並利用gm-boosting技術提高增益,而頻寬也都有在3 dB內的平坦度。

第二顆為應用於汽車雷達的高線性低功耗之低雜訊放大器,汽車雷達的操作頻帶為24 GHz,第一級使用電容作gm-boosting使增益提高,而在第二級使用回授技術,使增益高點在24 GHz,並使用基底偏壓技術得到整體功耗下降。
This thesis mainly Research and production low noise amplifiers for wireless communication systems, and then to proposes two low noise amplifiers for different frequency band systems.

The first chip is proposed a high gain single to differential low noise amplifier using gm-boost technique for LTE systems that the system is operated at frequency 0.7-2.7 GHz. There is a circuit design with single to differential circuit, and increased the gain by gm-boosting technology, and then the bandwidth have 3 dB bandwidth.

The second chip is proposed a high linearity low power LNA using passive positive feedback technology from FMCW system that the system is operated at 24 GHz. The first stage uses a capacitor for gm-boosting to increase the gain, while in the second stage, make the gain in the high point at 24 GHz by feedback technology and the base bias technology is used to reduce the power consumption of the overall circuit.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
Content iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables ix
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1. Motivation 1
1.2. Introduction of LTE System 2
1.3. Introduction of K Band [2] 2
1.4. Introduction of Vehicle Radar System [3] 2
1.5. Receiver Architecture 3
Chapter 2 Introduction of Low Noise Amplifier 5
2.1. Introduction the basic parameters of LNA 5
2.1.1. Scattering Parameters 5
2.1.2. Noise Figure 6
2.1.3. Linearity 7
2.1.4. Stability 9
2.1.5. Phase Error [5] & Gain Error 11
2.2. Principles and architecture of Body-bias 12
2.3. Review of the Papers 12
2.3.1. A 0.2-2.6 GHz Wideband Noise-Reduction Gm-Boosted LNA [8] 12
2.3.2. A 3.7 mW 24 GHz LNA with 10.1dB gain and 4.5 dB NF in 0.18 m CMOS technology [9] 13
2.4. Design Flow 14
Chapter 3 Proposed LNA and Measured Results 17
3.1. A High Gain Single to Differential Low Noise Amplifier using Gm-boosting technique for LTE system 17
3.2. Input Impedance matching 18
3.3. Single to Differential circuit 19
3.4. Considerations of the Circuit Design 20
3.5. Simulation Results 21
3.6. Measured Results 34
3.7. Summary and Discussion 41
Chapter 4 Proposed LNA and Measured Results 42
4.1. A high linearity low power Low Noise Amplifier from Vehicle Radar system application 42
4.2. Input Impedance matching 43
4.3. Body bias technology 45
4.4. Considerations of the Circuit Design 46
4.5. Simulation Results 46
4.6. Measured Results 53
4.7. Summary and Discussion 56
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work 58
5.1. Conclusion 58
5.2. Future Work 58
Reference 59
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