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作者:Davaajargal Munkhzul
作者(英文):Davaajargal Munkhzul
論文名稱:Factors Affecting Consumer’s Intentions of Online Shopping Intention for Clothes in Mongolia
論文名稱(英文):Factors Affecting Consumer’s Intentions of Online Shopping Intention for Clothes in Mongolia
指導教授(英文):Sheau-Hwa Chen
口試委員:Kuo-Hsun Liao
Yi-Ting Chen
口試委員(英文):Kuo-Hsun Liao
Yi-Ting Chen
關鍵詞(英文):Technology application model (TAM)Intention behaviorOnline shoppingMongolian customer
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The objectives of this study are to explore factors that affect the online shopping behavior of customers in Mongolia and to help develop online shopping platforms and meet the needs of customers. The main approach of this study is based on a quantitative survey. 400 questionnaires were sent to customers in total with 350 answered and returned. The effective 324 questionnaires among the 350 were input into SPSS software.
This study is conducted by applying the TAM model to analyze 324 customers with their questionnaires. The result shows that two factors in the model have a positive correlation with behavior intention of customers in using online shopping for Clothes in Mongolia and the degree in order as follows: Perceived usefulness (β = -.055), Perceived Ease to use (β =.472), Shipping (β =-.054), Customer service (β =.407), and Web design (β =.005)

Keywords: Technology application model (TAM), Intention behavior, Online shopping, Mongolian customer
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Research background 1
1.1.1 Online shopping in Mongolia 3
1.2 Research purpose 8
1.3 Research questions: 9
1.4 Research contribution 9
1.5 Outline 10
Chapter 2 Literature Review 11
2.1 Brief of Consumer Behavior 11
2.2 E-commerce and online shopping 13
2.2.1 E-commerce 13
2.2.2 Online shopping 13
2.3 Theory of Reasoned Action 14
2.4 Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) 15
2.4.1 TAM Application and extension studies 19
2.5 Relationships among variables and hypothesis development 19
2.5.1 Web Design 20
2.5.2 Shipping 21
2.5.3 Customer service 22
2.5.4 Perceived Ease to use 22
2.5.5 Perceived Usefulness 23
Chapter 3 Research methodology 24
3.1 Research framework and hypothesis 24
3.2 Variable definition and source 25
3.3 Research procedure 29
3.4 Questionnaire design 30
3.5 Sampling technique and data collection 30
3.6 Data analysis procedure 30
3.6.1 Descriptive statistic analysis 30
3.6.2 Reliability Test 30
3.6.3 Pearson correlation 31
3.6.4 Linear regression analysis 31
Chapter 4 Results 33
4.1 Descriptive statistics 33
4.1.1 Participant information 33
4.1.2 Study variables 35
4.3 Reliability analysis 38
4.4 Pearson’s Correlation Analysis 40
4.5 Simple linear regression 41
4.6 Multiple regression analysis 45
Chapter 5 Conclusion 46
5.1 Conclusion 46
5.2 Research recommendations 47
5.3 Research contribution 48
5.4 Research limitation 48
References 50
Appendix 1 53
Appendix 2 57
Illustration1 Online shopping websites 61
Illustration2 Online shopping websites 62
Illustration3 Online shopping websites 63

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