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作者:Duong Ngoc Anh
作者(英文):Duong Ngoc Anh
論文名稱(英文):The Study of Factors Affecting Intention to Use Online Hotel Booking in Vietnam
指導教授(英文):Cedric His-Jui Wu
口試委員(英文):Dauw-Song Zhu
Bruce Chien-Ta Ho
關鍵詞(英文):The Technology Acceptance ModelTrustWebsite qualitySelf-efficacyPerceived riskBooking intention
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目前越南由於網站訂房的便利性、優惠的房價與縮短訂房時間等因素,引起熱愛網站訂房人數逐漸增加。但是,關於在越南訂房者的預訂需求以及於網站訂房的使用意圖之影響因素,尚未受到研究的關注。因此,研究者將進行探討越南訂房者決定在網站訂房的各種影響因素。本研究為了確認訂房者在網站計劃訂房的行為,通過訂房者在訂房時考量的各種核心要素(態度、效益性認識與使用便利性)及加上安全性、知覺風險、自我效能、網站品質等要素,試著了解訂房人對於科技接受模式(TAM)。為了證明這個模式,研究者依據目前多數訂房者正在使用的訂房網站設計出問卷調查。本問卷調查總共調查414 個訂房者,而這些問卷填寫者皆在越南使用過訂房網站訂房。研究結果表示,訂房者決定在越南使用訂房網站訂房的考量因素包括:網站品質、安全性、自我效能、知覺風險、知覺有用性、知覺易用性等因素。本研究結果期待能提供給關注於越南市場經營、文化研究及越南人訂房行為,之參考。其次,關於在越南旅遊網站訂房的各種影響因素,也提供更加全面的考量因素。此外,研究結果得出訂房人對訂房網站的信任程度,影響其對一網站的知覺風險、知覺有用性,但不影響其對知覺有用性。最後,本研究將彌補目前越南訂房網站所缺乏的考量因素,也啟發和提供未來研究的其他方向。
The number of people who prefer to book hotel online is increasing when considering the convenience, cost and time-saving. However, comprehensive studies about customers’ intentions and online hotel reservations are limited in Vietnam. Therefore, this study intends to investigate the determinants of consumers’ intentions toward online hotel reservations in Vietnam.
This study attempts to test the applicability of the technology acceptance model (TAM) using its core constructs (attitude, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use), with the addition of the trust, perceived risk, self-efficacy, website quality variable, on the behavioral intention of booking a hotel online. In order to validate the model, a web-based questionnaire was applied and a total of 414 respondents who are travel to Vietnam.
The results found out that the Vietnamese consumer's intention will be affected by the website quality, trust, self-efficacy, perceived risk, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. This study also beneficiary not only for the marketers but also researchers to understand the culture and also the consumer behavior of Vietnamese. The findings provide a more comprehensive picture of the attendances factor affecting hotel booking online in Vietnam. Besides, the finding also revealed that trust has a positive effect on perceived risk, perceived ease of use, whereas perceived usefulness did not. The study limitations and implications for the future research are suggested.
Keywords: The Technology Acceptance Model; Trust; Perceived risk; Self-efficacy; Website Quality, Booking intention.
1.1 Motivation and Background of Research 1
1.2 Research Gap and Purpose 3
1.3 Research scope and procedure 5
1.3.1 Research scope 5
1.3.2 Research procedure 5
2.1 Theoretical background 7
2.1.1 The Technology Acceptance Model 7
2.1.2 Attitude 9
2.1.3 Behavioral Intention 10
2.1.4 Perceived Risk 11
2.1.5 Trust 12
2.1.6 Website quality 13
2.1.7 Self-efficacy 13
2.2 Hypothesis development and conceptual framework 14
2.2.1 Relationship among website quality, perceived risk, trust, perceived usefulness, and attention 14 Relationship among website quality, trust and perceived usefulness 14 Relationship between trust and perceived risk 17 Relationship among perceived risk, attitude and online hotel booking intention 18
2.2.2 Relationship among self-efficacy, trust and perceived ease of use 19 Self-efficacy and trust 19 Self-efficacy and perceived ease of use 20
2.2.3 Online hotel booking intention based on The Technology Acceptance Model 21
2.2.4 Research Framework 23
3.1 Sampling method and procedure 27
3.2 Measurement development 28
3.3. Pilot test 32
3.4 Statistical methodology 34
3.4.1 Descriptive statistical analysis 35
3.4.2 Reliability and Validity analysis 35
3.4.3 SEM and hypothesis testing 36
4.1. Descriptive statistical analysis 38
4.2 Measurement model analyses 39
4.2.1 Reliability 40
4.2.2 Validation 41
4.3 Testing the Structural Model 44
5.1 Discussion 50
5.2 Conclusion 53
5.3 Implication 54
5.3.1 Theoretical Implications 54
5.3.2 Managerial Implications 55
5.3.3. Limitations of the research 56
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