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作者(英文):Shih-Ting Syu
論文名稱(英文):Exploring the Motivations, Experiences and Consumption Benefits of Commercial Commensality- Using Journey Kaffe as a Case Study
指導教授(英文):Athena H. N. Mak
Lai-Hsin Lai
口試委員(英文):Chung-Hung Tsai
關鍵詞(英文):Commercial modeCommensality motivationCommensality experienceCommensality social interactionCommensality consumption benefit
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The term “commensality” refers to the act of eating and sharing food together, and in some cases, preparing and cooking food together. Existing commensality studies have primarily focused on “community commensality” and “institutional commensality” as the main topics of investigation. However, a new form of commensality – “commercial commensality”, which involves the act of cooking and eating together in a commercial setting, has still remained understudied. One prominent example is the Journey Kaffe in Taipei, which has adopted the “commercial commensality” concept as a form of innovation. The motivation, experience and consumption benefits of commercial commensality are the main study objective.
In light of the lack of understanding of “commercial commensality” this study attempted to explore the motivations, experiences and consumption benefits of commercial commensality by using the Journey Kaffe as an “intrinsic case study”. A series of semi-structured interviews and participant observation were used as the major methods of data collection. A total of 43 participants were recruited on-site through a purposive sampling strategy. Data triangulation and method triangulation were employed to enhance the trustworthiness of the findings.
Ten main types of motivation were identified from the data, namely, (1) recommendation by others, (2) experience novelty and pleasure, (3) socialization needs, (4) demeanor of patrons, (5) environments, (6) business management style, (7) convenience, (8) availability of choice, (9) dining needs, (10) leisure. Five key types of experience were also identified: (1) handmade experience, (2) company and social interaction, (3) service and interaction with service personnel, (4) meal experience, (5) environment experience. Finally, eight main types of consumption benefits were unveiled: (1) pleasure, (2) satisfying meal needs, (3) satisfying social interaction needs, (4) learning opportunities, (5) providing gathering places, (6) satisfying leisure needs, (7) convenience, (8) value for money. The research findings provide important insights for industry practitioners, as well as lay the foundation for future research on issues related to commercial commensality.
第一章 緒論................1
第一節 研究背景與動機........1
第二節 研究問題.............7
第二章 文獻探討..............9
第一節 外食商業模式...........9
第二節 共餐之概要............11
第三節 外出共餐(餐飲)動機........22
第四節 外食共餐(餐飲)體驗與社會互動........29
第五節 外食共餐(餐飲)消費利益........33
第六節 小結及研究架構...............36
第三章 研究方法....................39
第一節 研究取徑....................39
第二節 研究設計與流程...............43
第三節 資料蒐集.....................50
第四節 訪談流程....................56
第五節 資料分析與處理................57
第四章 研究結果與討論................63
第一節 受訪者背景....................63
第二節 商業環境共餐動機...............67
第三節 商業環境共餐體驗...............90
第四節 商業環境共餐消費利益...........114
第五章 結論與建議...................131
第一節 結論與討論...................131
第二節 研究限制與困難................138
第三節 研究建議.....................140
第四節 研究貢獻.....................141
附錄一 訪談同意書........................155
附錄二 訪談問題...........................156
附錄三 受訪者基本資料表....................157
附錄四 現場觀察紀錄表......................158
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