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作者(英文):Yung-he Chen
論文名稱(英文):Streaming Platform and Two-Sided Market-Taking Twitch for Example
指導教授(英文):Yan-Shu LIN
口試委員(英文):Wen-Chung Guo
Pei-Cyuan Shih
關鍵詞(英文):Two-Sided MarketStreaming PlatformNetwork Externalities
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This thesis takes the streaming platform as an example by using a two-sided market model to discuss the optimal entry fees for the viewers and live streamers, and the optimal quantity of advertisement. In this model, we consider two points different from traditional two-sided market: One is the utility of the viewers would be affected the degree of aversion to advertisement, the other is the live streamers can share platform’s advertisement revenue. This thesis makes a difference from most two-sided market articles by endogenizing the network externality in the streamer’s side through advertisement. The major findings show that under the monopoly circumstance, the optimal quantity of advertisement does not affected by the ratio of sharing advertisement. The more viewers are repelled by the advertisement, the more advertisement is screening on the live-streaming platform. Under single-homing and bottleneck duopoly platform, by numerical analysis, we find out that the effect of revenue sharing ratio on the quantity of advertisement is negative. The optimal entry free of viewers decreases in the degree of advertisement disutility under bottleneck.
1. 前言   1
2. 獨占平台   6
2.1  觀眾的行為   6
2.2  直播主的行為   7
2.3  直播平台的決策   8
2.3.1 價格的決策   9
2.3.2 廣告的決策   12
2.4 直播主工商及代言   20
3.  延伸模型   22
3.1  收取訂閱費用GS   22
3.2  不收取費用GN   24
4.  雙邊均為Single-Homing下的雙占平台   27
4.1  觀眾的行為   27
4.2  直播主的行為   28
4.3  兩平台競爭決策   30
5. Bottle-neck競爭下的雙占平台   34
5.1 觀眾行為   34
5.2 直播主行為   35
5.3 兩平台競爭決策   37
6. 結論   41
參考文獻   42
附錄   44

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