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作者(英文):Kai-Chieh Hsieh
論文名稱(英文):Population Genetic Structure of an Alien Tree Frog (Polypedates megacephalus) in Taiwan based on Microsatellite DNA Markers
指導教授(英文):Yi-Ju Yang
口試委員(英文):Yi-Huey Chen
Yu-Cheng Hsu
關鍵詞(英文):amphibiansbiological invasionconservationmicrosatellitegenetic variation
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The spot-legged tree frog (Polypedates megacephalus) is an alien species that colonized Taiwan in or before 2005 and it has established several distinct populations during the past ten years. I investigated the population genetic structure of the populations of spot-legged tree frog in Taiwan based on microsatellite DNA markers. Comparing the allelic diversity across 6 loci among 8 sites, the population in New Taipei City had the highest number of alleles, effective alleles and private alleles. The fixation index (FST) ranged from 0 to 0.292, showing the significant genetic differentiation among all sampling populations. The correlation between FST and the geographic distances among sites is not significant. The bottleneck effect was detected in the population of New Taipei City, Taoyun City, Changhua County and Yunlin County. The analysis of invasion history of 8 populations showed that New Taipei City population was most likely to be the first established P. megacephalus population in Taiwan.
一、 前言 1
二、 材料與方法 7
2.1 研究物種 7
2.2 樣本採集與樣區 8
2.3 DNA萃取 8
2.4 微衛星基因座的擴增與定型 9
2.5 族群遺傳結構分析 10
2.6 外來種斑腿樹蛙拓殖路徑分析 11
三、 結果 13
3.1 PCR成功率與基因座數量挑選 13
3.2 遺傳多樣性 13
3.3 族群遺傳結構 15
3.4 各年度族群的有效族群大小及瓶頸效應 17
3.5 拓殖路徑情景分析 17
四、 討論 19
4.1 PCR成功率及基因座特性探討 19
4.2 臺灣地區斑腿樹蛙族群遺傳多樣性及結構探討 20
4.3 臺灣地區斑腿樹蛙族群監控建議 25
五、 參考文獻 49
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附錄二、利用DIYABC軟體預測族群播遷路徑 58
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