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作者(英文):Heng-Yu Tseng
論文名稱:三丁基錫對倒立水母Cassiopea andromeda生理之影響
論文名稱(英文):Physiological responses of the jellyfish Cassiopea andromeda exposed to tributyltin
指導教授(英文):Pei-Jie Meng
口試委員(英文):Jih-Terng Wang
Kwee-Siong Tew
關鍵詞(英文):tributyltinCassiopea andromedabell pulsation ratemaximum quantum yieldeffective quantum yield
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本研究以TBT為模擬毒性物質,探討倒立水母(Cassiopea andromeda) 短期暴露於模擬海洋環境之TBT濃度以及回復後,其生長率、傘部收縮頻率、共生藻光系統二(Photosystem Ⅱ, PSⅡ)光合作用活性、共生藻密度以及葉綠a濃度等生理參數之變化。本實驗將濕重與傘部直徑相似之倒立水母隨機分配,分別暴露於不同濃度之TBT溶液中7天,實驗分為控制組、低濃度組、中濃度組以及高濃度組,之後再移入乾淨之海水中培養7天。實驗結果顯示,暴露實驗開始前,各處理組之濕重、傘部直徑、傘部收縮頻率以及共生藻PSⅡ最高光效率均與控制組相似。暴露7天後,各處理組與控制組之間濕重、傘部直徑、口腕濕重比例、共生藻PSⅡ有效螢光量、共生藻密度以及葉綠素a濃度沒有顯著差異,反之,各組別之濕重以及傘部直徑均呈現負成長。此外,低濃度、中濃度及高濃度各組中,濕重、最高光效率及有效螢光量顯著降低的趨勢,口腕與傘部組織之間以濕重標準化之共生藻密度沒有顯著差異。然而,中濃度及高濃度組之傘部收縮頻率顯著低於控制組,且高濃度組之傘徑有下降的情況。回復7天後,在低濃度、中濃度及高濃度各組,以濕重標準化之傘部共生藻密度均低於口腕共生藻密度,且共生藻PSⅡ最高光效率低於實驗前初始值。而中濃度組,以傘部表面積標準化之傘部共生藻密度有下降之趨勢。最後,高濃度組,以濕重標準化之傘部共生藻密度則有下降現象。最後,本研究結果顯示倒立水母可以作為面對有機錫汙染物之早期預警指標生物。
In this study, we characterized the toxic effects of tributyltin on a symbiotic jellyfish Cassiopea andromeda with several physiological parameters, including growth rate, bell pulsation rate, symbiont PSⅡ activity (maximum quantum yield and effective quantum yield), zooxanthellae density and chlorophyll-a concentrations. Before the experiment, similar size of jellyfishes were selected, in which wet weight, bell diameter, proportion of oral arm wet weight, bell pulsation rate, PSⅡ maximum quantum yield, zooxanthellae density and chlorophyll-a concentrations were no significant differences in all groups. At 7 days of exposure, no significant differences in wet weight, bell diameter, proportion of oral arm wet weight, PSⅡ effective quantum yield, zooxanthellae density (in the whole body or between oral arm and bell tissue) and chlorophyll-a concentrations were found between treatments. When compared with the day 0, wet weight, PSⅡ maximum quantum yield and PSⅡ effective quantum yield reduced in all treatments. Negative growth were found in all treatments. Besides that, bell pulsation rates were lower in medium and high concentrations groups. Finally, TBT caused significant decreases in bell diameter in high concentrations groups. At 7 day of recovery, zooxanthellae density in bell tissue was significant lower than oral arm and PSⅡ maximum quantum yield were significant decreases in all treatment concentrations. Moreover, bell zooxanthellae density were significant decreases in high concentrations groups. Conclusively, we believe that jellyfish Cassiopea andromeda is sensitive to organotin pollutant exposure and can be used as an early warning indicator species.
一、 前言 1
1.1. 有機錫化學特性 1
1.2. 有機錫用途 1
1.3. 國外有機錫監測 2
1.4. 台灣有機錫監測 2
1.5. 有機錫毒性 3
1.6. 生物累積與代謝 5
1.7. 倒立水母 6
1.8. 生理特性 7
1.9. 研究目的 9
二、 材料與方法 11
2.1. 化學藥劑配製 11
2.2. 實驗動物 11
2.3. 實驗設計 11
2.4. 光合作用效率測量 12
2.5. 共生藻密度測量 13
2.6. 葉綠素a濃度測量 13
2.7. 統計分析 14
三、 結果 15
3.1. 生長率 15
3.2. 傘部收縮頻率 16
3.3. PSⅡ之光合作用效率 17
3.4. 共生藻密度 18
3.4.1. 以傘部表面積標準化 18
3.4.2. 以濕重標準化 20
3.5. 葉綠素a濃度 21
3.5.1. 以濕重標準化 21
3.5.2. 以共生藻密度標準化 21
3.5.3. 以傘部表面積標準化 21
四、 討論 23
4.1. 生長率 23
4.2. 傘部收縮頻率 24
4.3. PSⅡ之光合作用效率 24
4.4. 共生藻密度 26
4.5. 葉綠素a濃度 27
五、 結論 29
六、 參考文獻 31
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