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作者(英文):Kuan-Tzu Huang
論文名稱(英文):Age and growth of the finless porpoises Neophocaena asiaeorientalis sunameri and N. phocaenoides in the Taiwan Strait
指導教授(英文):Chih-Wei Chang
Chiou-Ju Yao
口試委員(英文):Chia-Hui Wang
Fung-Chi Ko
Chiou-Ju Yao
Chih-Wei Chang
關鍵詞(英文):finless porpoisegrowth-layer-groupagegrowthsympatric
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印度西太平洋的江豚 (Neophocaena) 可分為窄脊江豚 (N. asiaeorientalis sunameri)、長江江豚 (N. asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis) 和寬脊江豚 (N. phocaenoides)。在臺灣海峽以窄脊和寬脊江豚共域棲息,雖有許多擱淺紀錄,但仍缺乏相關的生物學資訊,本研究以其牙齒成長層組的定齡為基礎,進行兩種江豚成長方程式的建立與比較。樣本來源為2000至2017年擱淺於臺灣西部沿岸、澎湖、金門及馬祖的江豚,其中窄脊江豚共45隻,體長介於62.5-156.0 cm;寬脊江豚共72隻,體長介於75.0-182.0 cm。根據部分個體牙齒切片之年齡判讀顯示,25隻窄脊江豚之年齡範圍 (體長) 0歲至11歲 (90.0至146.0 cm);31隻寬脊江豚則為為0歲至12歲 (77.0至182.0 cm)。以范氏 (von Bertalanffy) 和姜氏 (Gompertz) 成長方程式推估其成長參數,窄脊江豚之極限體長和成長係數分別為141.76 cm、0.28 (范氏) 和139.79 cm、0.34 (姜氏),寬脊江豚則是178.32 cm、0.26 (范氏) 和175.11 cm、0.34 (姜氏),顯示兩種江豚之成長係數相似,但以寬脊江豚極限體長較大。
Finless porpoises in the Indo-Pacific region include the narrow-ridged finless porpoise (Neophocaena. asiaeorientalis sunameri), freshwater inhabiting Yangtze finless porpoise (N. asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis), and the Indo-Pacific (wide-ridged) finless porpoise (N. phocaenoides). Both the narrow and wide-ridged finless porpoises are commonly seen and inhabit sympatrically in the Taiwan Strait. One hundred and twenty-one specimens of finless porpoises stranded or obtained incidentally by fishing were recoded so far. In this study, ages of the two porpoise species were determined by growth-layer-group counting of thin-sectioned teeth and growth curves were fitted and compared. Finless porpoises stranded in western coast of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu from 2000 to 2017 were collected, which 45 specimens with 62.5-156.0 cm for narrow-ridged finless porpoise and 72 specimens ranging 75.0-182.0 cm in body length were for the wide-ridged ones. Ages of the 25 narrow-ridged finless porpoise were determined between 0-11 years and 90.0-146.0 cm, whereas those for the 31 wide-ridged ones were 0 yr and 12 yr for a length range of 77.0-182.0 cm. Age-length data were fitted by the von Bertalanffy and Gompertz growth curves and the asymptotic length and growth rate were 141.76 cm, 0.28 (von Bertalanffy) and 139.79 cm, 0.34 (Gompertz) for the narrow-ridged finless porpoise, and 178.32 cm, 0.26 (von Bertalanffy) and 175.11 cm, 0.34 (Gompertz) for the wide-ridged one, indicating that growth rates were similar with two finless porpoises and the wide ridged finless porpoise reached larger size than the narrow-ridged ones.
壹、前言 1
一、江豚分類及生物學 1
二、江豚年齡成長 3
三、鯨豚牙齒與定齡 4
四、研究動機與目的 6
貳、研究方法 7
一、樣本來源與種類鑑定 7
二、牙齒切片製備 7
三、牙齒成長層判讀 8
四、牙齒成長層年周性驗證 9
五、成長方程式推估 10
六、雌雄間成長方程式比較 10
七、最佳套適成長方程式選定 11
八、統計分析 11
參、結果 13
一、江豚樣本組成 13
二、江豚牙齒微細構造 14
四、江豚年齡組成 15
五、江豚成長分析 15
肆、討論 17
一、體長分布 17
二、年周性驗證 17
三、年齡判定 18
四、微細構造 18
五、年齡組成 20
六、成長分析 20
伍、參考文獻 23
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