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作者(英文):Wu-Cheng Weng
論文名稱(英文):Photophysiology related lipidomic modulation of the symbiotic algae in coral Seriatopora caliendrum
指導教授(英文):Chuan-Ho Tang
口試委員(英文):Hsuan-Ching Ho
Hui-Hsin Tseng
Chuan-Ho Tang
關鍵詞(英文):Symbiotic algaePhotophysiologyLipidomicsMembrane lipid
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隨著環境光照的改變,珊瑚共生藻生理條件會產生相應的變化,例如強烈日照會加速共生藻光合系統中活性氧生成造成氧化壓力升高,進而促發抗氧化調節作用避免或降低細胞氧化傷害。膜脂質為構成細胞的基本結構元素,能夠隨細胞生理處境改變而動態調整。因此本研究假設珊瑚共生藻的膜脂質組成會隨日照而調整,以符合光生理條件的需要。研究中利用脂質體學的研究方法呈現鈍枝列孔珊瑚 (Seriatopora caliendrum)共生藻磷脂醯膽鹼類脂質(GPC)組成的日變化。結果顯示日出前後(9:00對於6:00)光照度增加期間珊瑚共生藻中 lyso-GPCs以及帶有二十二碳六烯酸的GPCs呈明顯增加,而帶有花生四烯酸之GPCs含量則相對減少。此外,白天脂質代謝變化與珊瑚接受到的累積光照呈現高度的相關性,隨著日照量增加帶有二十二碳六烯酸的GPCs明顯減少。夜間(18:00-00:00)共生藻膜脂質組成則未產生明顯改變,但相對于破曉前(6:00)的膜脂質組成則明顯不同。基於上述結果,珊瑚共生藻光生理相關的脂質代謝調節模式可被解釋與光致生理現象及光適應機制較為相關。
Following the change in the illumination, the coral symbiotic algae showed a corresponding change. For instance, strongly illuminating causes an increased production of reactive oxygen species in the photosystem of symbiotic algae to increase the oxidative stress and thus trigger the antioxidant regulations for avoiding or reducing the cell oxidative damage. Membrane lipids constitute the basic structural element to create cell a dynamic structure according to the circumstance. Facing the different situation, the cell should meet the physiological needs by adjusting the membrane lipid composition to mold the suitable membrane characteristics. Therefore, this study hypothesizes that the membrane lipid composition will be changed in the coral symbiotic algae to meet the photophysiological requirements following a diurnal variation of illumination. This study investigates the diurnal changes of glycerophosphocholine (GPC) profile in the symbiotic algae of the coral Seriatopora caliendrum using a lipidomic methodology. The results showed that the sunlight induces an increase of lyso-GPCs and docosahexaenoic acid-possessing GPCs and a decrease of arachidonic acid-possessing GPCs during Illuminance increases (at time point 9:00 vs. 6:00). In addition, a high correlation between the daily light integral and the lipid variation in the symbiotic algae shows during daytime. The ratio of docosahexaenoic acid-possessing GPCs negatively correlates with the daily light integral as one of the major features. During the night times (18:00-00:00), the lipid composition shows an insignificant change in the symbiotic algae. However, this night feature of lipid profile is clearly different from that at daybreak (6:00). Based on the obtained results, the relevance of lipid metabolism to the photophysiology of coral symbiotic algae was thus interpreted to be related to photoinduced physiology and the mechanism of light adaptation.
謝辭 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
第一章、前言 1
第二章、實驗方法 9
2-1. 實驗設計 9
2-2. 葉綠素螢光測定 9
2-3. 共生藻純化 10
2-4. 脂質萃取 11
2-5. 儀器分析 11
2-6. 資料處理與分析 12
2-7. GPCs分類與命名 14
第三章、結果 17
3-1. 珊瑚共生藻之光生理變化 17
3-2. 珊瑚共生藻脂質體組成變化 19
第四章、討論 25
第五章、結論 27
參考文獻 29

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